This category is for websites that deal with the history of vintage amateur radio equipment.
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A history of the Italian manufacturer John Geloso, who supplied hams with transmitters, receivers, and VFOs; also manufactured radios, televisions and tape recorders.
Describes the early days in amateur radio, in the 1950s.
KY1P includes pictures and information about several radios.
Includes a biography of radio man Frederick Terman by Ed Sharpe, and amateur radio and short-wave articles.
KY1P includes pictures and information about several radios.
Describes the early days in amateur radio, in the 1950s.
Includes a biography of radio man Frederick Terman by Ed Sharpe, and amateur radio and short-wave articles.
A history of the Italian manufacturer John Geloso, who supplied hams with transmitters, receivers, and VFOs; also manufactured radios, televisions and tape recorders.

Last update:
July 9, 2023 at 6:45:05 UTC

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- Recently edited by merlin1
- Recently edited by merlin1