Contains sites with significant information about personal radio collections or personal webpages primarily focused on boatanchors, but being too broad to fit into a more specific category.
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Sites 9
Features photos of the new hamshack construction, details, with photos and schematics of projects that include Drake, Kenwood and Yaesu repair or restoration, and a sales and wanted list. Spain.
Joe Cro shows us his collection of vintage equipment.
Ron Lawrence's (KC4YOY) collection includes several Atwater Kent sets and vintage amateur radio gear.
N9OO, Don Buska in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Includes his biography, details of his AM and SSB equipment, and photographs.
Vintage telegraphy gear and station information.
Featuring a Collins 75A4 and Bauer AM transmitter on 75 meters.
W8UT, Al provides photos and details on his boatanchor radio equipment.
Photos and information on a number of vintage transmitters and receivers.
K7RLD presents a collection of receivers, transmitters and mobile rigs. Photos and information.
W8UT, Al provides photos and details on his boatanchor radio equipment.
Photos and information on a number of vintage transmitters and receivers.
K7RLD presents a collection of receivers, transmitters and mobile rigs. Photos and information.
N9OO, Don Buska in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Includes his biography, details of his AM and SSB equipment, and photographs.
Featuring a Collins 75A4 and Bauer AM transmitter on 75 meters.
Features photos of the new hamshack construction, details, with photos and schematics of projects that include Drake, Kenwood and Yaesu repair or restoration, and a sales and wanted list. Spain.
Joe Cro shows us his collection of vintage equipment.
Ron Lawrence's (KC4YOY) collection includes several Atwater Kent sets and vintage amateur radio gear.
Vintage telegraphy gear and station information.

Last update:
March 15, 2023 at 5:35:06 UTC

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Regional: North America: Canada: Quebec: Regions: Abitibi-Temiscamingue: Travel and Tourism
- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon