Use for sites containing alphabetical or classified lists of resources covering amateur radio. Sites which provide a straight list of sites, sometimes with a brief description and not, generally, including additional information.
Also for sites that could be called Guides, Resources, Search Engines - all relating to amateur radio.
More information
More information
Sites 26
Features a large collection of links covering ham radio and DX topics.
A variety of links, mostly United States based, for the radio amateur, shortwave listener or other radio hobbyist.
European directory devoted to radio amateur activities, by categories. [Italian, English]
Collaborative encyclopedia for radio amateurs.
Links, including antique, vintage and military radios, collectors, museums, and history.
Amateur community portal featuring callsign lookup, product reviews, classifieds, news, articles, QSL managers, forums, propagation information, chat and surveys.
Julian Moss, G4ILO, oversees this searchable index of ham radio websites and resources.
UK-based amateur radio resource with DX cluster information, nets, forums, search and free classifieds.
Callsign lookup for United States, Canada and some other countries. Also offers FCC reports and statistics.
This callsign database provides all information free to users. Also offers a forum.
Variety of amateur radio information including on antennas and propagation. By Serge Stroobandt, ON4AA
Italian amateur presents ham radio related links organized by topic.
Directory of links and services for ham operators. Some modifications. [Italian, English]
Japanese amateur Takumi Nomura presents a web atlas for amateur radio. Includes WAC continents, CQ zones, ITU zones, grid locator, and beam map.
The NATO phonetic alphabet widely used in radio, telephone and military communications.
Thierry presents information on most aspects of amateur radio, with a variety of resources. [French and English]
Includes news, searchable callsign database, license renewals and updates, DX spotting reports, APRS resources, clubs, solar report, and links.
DB0SDX QSL database maintained by Lothar, DL1SBF. Germany.
Email forwarding aliases at, available free to radio hams only. Also offers web hosting and other amateur radio related services.
A listing and search of amateur radio email lists hosted by QTH.Net.
Information for novice and experienced amateurs, with links to local clubs in Texas.
Listing of electronics, surplus, salvage stores and warehouses in the US, Canada, UK and Australia.
Most nations are represented via QSL and a photo of their representative flags.
Provides a search for radio amateurs in Turkey, list of silent keys, and APRS. [Turkish, English]
Offers a variety of useful information and links for the amateur radio enthusiast.
Callsign database for United States and Canada, solar reports, and amateur radio resources.
Information for novice and experienced amateurs, with links to local clubs in Texas.
UK-based amateur radio resource with DX cluster information, nets, forums, search and free classifieds.
Listing of electronics, surplus, salvage stores and warehouses in the US, Canada, UK and Australia.
DB0SDX QSL database maintained by Lothar, DL1SBF. Germany.
A listing and search of amateur radio email lists hosted by QTH.Net.
Callsign database for United States and Canada, solar reports, and amateur radio resources.
Callsign lookup for United States, Canada and some other countries. Also offers FCC reports and statistics.
This callsign database provides all information free to users. Also offers a forum.
Julian Moss, G4ILO, oversees this searchable index of ham radio websites and resources.
Provides a search for radio amateurs in Turkey, list of silent keys, and APRS. [Turkish, English]
Email forwarding aliases at, available free to radio hams only. Also offers web hosting and other amateur radio related services.
Directory of links and services for ham operators. Some modifications. [Italian, English]
Most nations are represented via QSL and a photo of their representative flags.
Collaborative encyclopedia for radio amateurs.
Includes news, searchable callsign database, license renewals and updates, DX spotting reports, APRS resources, clubs, solar report, and links.
Italian amateur presents ham radio related links organized by topic.
Variety of amateur radio information including on antennas and propagation. By Serge Stroobandt, ON4AA
Thierry presents information on most aspects of amateur radio, with a variety of resources. [French and English]
Japanese amateur Takumi Nomura presents a web atlas for amateur radio. Includes WAC continents, CQ zones, ITU zones, grid locator, and beam map.
Offers a variety of useful information and links for the amateur radio enthusiast.
A variety of links, mostly United States based, for the radio amateur, shortwave listener or other radio hobbyist.
European directory devoted to radio amateur activities, by categories. [Italian, English]
The NATO phonetic alphabet widely used in radio, telephone and military communications.
Features a large collection of links covering ham radio and DX topics.
Amateur community portal featuring callsign lookup, product reviews, classifieds, news, articles, QSL managers, forums, propagation information, chat and surveys.
Links, including antique, vintage and military radios, collectors, museums, and history.
Other languages 1
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October 5, 2023 at 5:55:09 UTC
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