Home brew is an amateur radio slang term for home-built, noncommercial radio equipment often using simple designs.
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Sites 58
Selected pages from the book
Information about homebrew electronics, PC boards, microcontrollers, Basic Stamps, and other aspects of ham radio. Projects, and tips.
Many good hints and projects for the homebrewer.
6BM8 amateur radio rig with 8 watts output by G0UPL.
Notes, and archives about boatanchors, tube rigs, homebrewing, Heathkits and QRP.
Plans and schematics from Bill's glowbug project as well as information about receiving tubes, from the GE essential characteristics tube manual, date unknown.
Pictures and article on building a QRP transmitter.
Includes a simple CW station, and R1 - R2 DC receivers.
Homebrew rig from 1937, built by W5GAE, Preston Gaddis of Bartlesville, OK., who is now a silent key.
Dedicated to crystal and old battery radios, including tube sets. Includes restoration projects and plans.
Christoph Petermann with articles on making antennas and equipment.
Combination of news, views and podcasts. Main subjects featured are contesting, SDR projects, and radio related IT topics.
Homebrew projects, especially VHF/UHF. Includes high power amplifiers.
Various receivers, transceivers and converters for HF to UHF.
How to build big X-Yagis for VHF
Offers a circuit diagram of a 7 MHz SSB transceiver.
Homebrewing projects and kits such as DDS, frequency counters, LCD power meter, and sound card interfaces.
Many homebrew projects for Radio, Electronics and Computers including QRP HF Radio, Z80 Computers
Small collection of circuit ideas and projects by Paul Balaam.
Glowbugs homebrew projects, rare tube data, translated articles from the old xUSSR HAM-radio handbooks and magazines.
Gyula Nagy presents homebrew and project pages for preamplifiers, RLB's and return diplexers and technical articles. Hungary.
Technical information for HF, remote-control and digital decoding devices, plus a CPU-based hardware project.
A resource for ham radio and electronics in general. Includes projects, reference documents, and kits.
Homebrew site with a hf-mobile, magnetic loop antenna and duplexer projects. Also cable datasheets are available.
Classic HF receivers and electronic constructional projects including a telephone exchange, spectrum analyzer, and homemade TTL computers.
Indonesian amateur offers technical information, projects, manuals and links.
This is an information page about a spectrum analyzer homebrew project based upon a TV tuner frontend. Much project related information is provided.
Antennas, keyers, amplifiers and equipment for digital modes.
Offers details on building an indoor stealth antenna and information on experiences with them.
Homebrew amateur radio site including tube and solid state transmitters and receivers.
For radio enthusiasts interested in building and using the 1950s-60s era HBR receivers. Repair information for Heathkit SB-104, SB-101, and HW-101 transceivers.
Offers information about homemade audio amplifiers, RF amplifiers, auxiliary ham radio equipment including antenna designs and constructions.
George describes his homebrew projects: a 40m CW/SSB receiver, 40m 100 watt CW/SSB/AM/RTTY transmitter, 75m AM transceiver and 600 Watt HF amplifier.
Jason shares information on design and construction of a vintage 813 beam power tube CW crystal transmitter.
Homebrew 40 meter CW transmitter and a QRP CW transceiver.
Intended for use by radio amateurs to draw small schematics, for small projects.
A blog with QRP, 20m, 6m and 2m homebrew projects completed with a SARC news feed.
US Radio Amateur Frank, N4SPP, presents plans on how to build your own antenna.
Glowbug references from ARRL handbooks, schematics, projects, files and archives.
Information about the Multi-Megabit/sec Microwave Data Link article which was first published in the December 1989 edition of Ham Radio Magazine.
Homebrewed alternators and generators with photos and details.
Home brew projects and free software.
Information about QRP transceivers, accessories, and other home made equipment.
Homebrew amateur radio receivers, transmitters, transceivers and accessories. QRP related.
VE3XRM offers an electronic circuit library and photos of various radios in his collection.
Providing information for making amateur and commercial repeaters.
How to remove the so called "ground loop" and the reentry in the RTTY broadcast.
Homebrew transceivers and other projects.
A multiband Yagi for 14.28 MHz. Technical data and a detailed manual in PDF are online. User reports and a kit service are available.
Forum includes HF/VHF antenna projects, high power Russian GS35B RF amplifiers, mobile RFI solutions, and vintage radios.
Devoted to electronic thermionic devices known as 'tubes' or 'valves'. Includes information on several transmitters and receivers.
A resource for valve and early transistor portable radios. Includes a section with old circuits and original articles.
Site from Alan Yates, VK2ZAY, with his personal homebrew amateur radio projects.
Norm in Wisconsin has posted photos and details of his 6V6 QRP CW rig built in a cigar box and an 80 to 10 transceiver.
Jim Garland offers a homebrew gallery, shows his vintage collection, and provides his biography and family pictures.
Pictures, schematics and descriptions of modifications for vacuum-tube receivers.
Mostly microwave projects.
Multi element beam design notes and polar plots covering the 10m, 6m, and 2m Amateur Bands, plus one design for the 406MHz to 410MHz Radio Astronomy Band.
Homebrew amateur radio receivers, transmitters, transceivers and accessories. QRP related.
US Radio Amateur Frank, N4SPP, presents plans on how to build your own antenna.
Glowbugs homebrew projects, rare tube data, translated articles from the old xUSSR HAM-radio handbooks and magazines.
Classic HF receivers and electronic constructional projects including a telephone exchange, spectrum analyzer, and homemade TTL computers.
A multiband Yagi for 14.28 MHz. Technical data and a detailed manual in PDF are online. User reports and a kit service are available.
Offers a circuit diagram of a 7 MHz SSB transceiver.
Small collection of circuit ideas and projects by Paul Balaam.
VE3XRM offers an electronic circuit library and photos of various radios in his collection.
Information about the Multi-Megabit/sec Microwave Data Link article which was first published in the December 1989 edition of Ham Radio Magazine.
Offers details on building an indoor stealth antenna and information on experiences with them.
Selected pages from the book
6BM8 amateur radio rig with 8 watts output by G0UPL.
A resource for valve and early transistor portable radios. Includes a section with old circuits and original articles.
Pictures, schematics and descriptions of modifications for vacuum-tube receivers.
Glowbug references from ARRL handbooks, schematics, projects, files and archives.
Homebrewed alternators and generators with photos and details.
George describes his homebrew projects: a 40m CW/SSB receiver, 40m 100 watt CW/SSB/AM/RTTY transmitter, 75m AM transceiver and 600 Watt HF amplifier.
Homebrew rig from 1937, built by W5GAE, Preston Gaddis of Bartlesville, OK., who is now a silent key.
Plans and schematics from Bill's glowbug project as well as information about receiving tubes, from the GE essential characteristics tube manual, date unknown.
Intended for use by radio amateurs to draw small schematics, for small projects.
Notes, and archives about boatanchors, tube rigs, homebrewing, Heathkits and QRP.
For radio enthusiasts interested in building and using the 1950s-60s era HBR receivers. Repair information for Heathkit SB-104, SB-101, and HW-101 transceivers.
Homebrew 40 meter CW transmitter and a QRP CW transceiver.
Norm in Wisconsin has posted photos and details of his 6V6 QRP CW rig built in a cigar box and an 80 to 10 transceiver.
Devoted to electronic thermionic devices known as 'tubes' or 'valves'. Includes information on several transmitters and receivers.
Pictures and article on building a QRP transmitter.
Gyula Nagy presents homebrew and project pages for preamplifiers, RLB's and return diplexers and technical articles. Hungary.
Information about homebrew electronics, PC boards, microcontrollers, Basic Stamps, and other aspects of ham radio. Projects, and tips.
Jim Garland offers a homebrew gallery, shows his vintage collection, and provides his biography and family pictures.
Many homebrew projects for Radio, Electronics and Computers including QRP HF Radio, Z80 Computers
Providing information for making amateur and commercial repeaters.
How to build big X-Yagis for VHF
A resource for ham radio and electronics in general. Includes projects, reference documents, and kits.
Combination of news, views and podcasts. Main subjects featured are contesting, SDR projects, and radio related IT topics.
Multi element beam design notes and polar plots covering the 10m, 6m, and 2m Amateur Bands, plus one design for the 406MHz to 410MHz Radio Astronomy Band.
Christoph Petermann with articles on making antennas and equipment.
Various receivers, transceivers and converters for HF to UHF.
A blog with QRP, 20m, 6m and 2m homebrew projects completed with a SARC news feed.
Information about QRP transceivers, accessories, and other home made equipment.
Homebrewing projects and kits such as DDS, frequency counters, LCD power meter, and sound card interfaces.
This is an information page about a spectrum analyzer homebrew project based upon a TV tuner frontend. Much project related information is provided.
Offers information about homemade audio amplifiers, RF amplifiers, auxiliary ham radio equipment including antenna designs and constructions.
Site from Alan Yates, VK2ZAY, with his personal homebrew amateur radio projects.
Indonesian amateur offers technical information, projects, manuals and links.
Forum includes HF/VHF antenna projects, high power Russian GS35B RF amplifiers, mobile RFI solutions, and vintage radios.
Technical information for HF, remote-control and digital decoding devices, plus a CPU-based hardware project.
Jason shares information on design and construction of a vintage 813 beam power tube CW crystal transmitter.
Homebrew site with a hf-mobile, magnetic loop antenna and duplexer projects. Also cable datasheets are available.
Dedicated to crystal and old battery radios, including tube sets. Includes restoration projects and plans.
Home brew projects and free software.
Includes a simple CW station, and R1 - R2 DC receivers.
How to remove the so called "ground loop" and the reentry in the RTTY broadcast.
Homebrew amateur radio site including tube and solid state transmitters and receivers.
Many good hints and projects for the homebrewer.
Homebrew transceivers and other projects.
Antennas, keyers, amplifiers and equipment for digital modes.
Mostly microwave projects.
Homebrew projects, especially VHF/UHF. Includes high power amplifiers.
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October 21, 2023 at 5:45:07 UTC

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