Texas Local Amateur Radio Organizations
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A North Texas (NTX) ARRL affiliated club. Provides details of organization, membership, history, meetings, and activities.
Features meeting details, news and events and D-Star and scholarship information.
Club contact information, repeater frequencies, activities, plus local and regional weather.
Houston Texas-area ARRL affiliated club. Includes calendar of events, online newsletters, VE testing information, microwave and packet radio, plus Amateur television.
Presents club and membership information, repeater data and frequencies, and links.
Established in 1957, the club offers programs covering special interest and civic activities. Site contains information related to meetings, classes and public service.
Located in Waco, Texas, and includes amateur television information, calendar, and online swap shop.
Houston area amateur resource includes club and membership information, events and links.
Abilene, Texas member resource includes club information, repeater frequencies, VE test schedules and contact links.
Fort Worth member resource with club and repeater information, and links.
Motorola employees club resource features club and local repeater information, NET schedules, SKYWARN training schedules and links.
Austin based group open to naturists/nudists with an interest in Amateur Radio. Includes club history, contact information, and events schedules.
Club resource features DX and ham radio information, frequencies, propagation, downloads, photos and links.
Cleveland, Texas-based club resource with membership and contact information, online newsletter, events schedule, photos and links.
Includes club events and activities, membership roster,and links.
Campus resource includes shack information, repeater frequencies, practice exams, foxhunts and QSL information.
Club information, roster, events and activities, and contact list.
Located in Austin. Includes RF safety calculator, membership information, and an online tour of the club's radio shack.
Hamfest information, charter, membership information, newsletter archive, and photo gallery.
Abilene, Texas member resource includes club information, repeater frequencies, VE test schedules and contact links.
Houston Texas-area ARRL affiliated club. Includes calendar of events, online newsletters, VE testing information, microwave and packet radio, plus Amateur television.
Established in 1957, the club offers programs covering special interest and civic activities. Site contains information related to meetings, classes and public service.
A North Texas (NTX) ARRL affiliated club. Provides details of organization, membership, history, meetings, and activities.
Houston area amateur resource includes club and membership information, events and links.
Club resource features DX and ham radio information, frequencies, propagation, downloads, photos and links.
Campus resource includes shack information, repeater frequencies, practice exams, foxhunts and QSL information.
Features meeting details, news and events and D-Star and scholarship information.
Club information, roster, events and activities, and contact list.
Located in Austin. Includes RF safety calculator, membership information, and an online tour of the club's radio shack.
Located in Waco, Texas, and includes amateur television information, calendar, and online swap shop.
Cleveland, Texas-based club resource with membership and contact information, online newsletter, events schedule, photos and links.
Hamfest information, charter, membership information, newsletter archive, and photo gallery.
Includes club events and activities, membership roster,and links.
Motorola employees club resource features club and local repeater information, NET schedules, SKYWARN training schedules and links.
Austin based group open to naturists/nudists with an interest in Amateur Radio. Includes club history, contact information, and events schedules.
Fort Worth member resource with club and repeater information, and links.
Presents club and membership information, repeater data and frequencies, and links.
Club contact information, repeater frequencies, activities, plus local and regional weather.

Last update:
January 28, 2023 at 18:27:02 UTC

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Society: Death: In Memoriam: Individuals
- Recently edited by lisagirl
- Recently edited by lisagirl