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The VHF amateur radio band is 144.000 - 148.000 North and South America plus Hawaii and Asia and Oceania, and from 144.000 MHz to 146.000 MHz in Europe, Africa, and Russia. Propagation modes familiar to VHF operators, such as sporadic-E, auroral, meteor-scatter, transequatorial and moonbounce, all have been used on six meters.
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Subcategories 7

See amateur radio repeaters by state or location mapped visually in Google Maps.
Database collection from plain text and repeater listings over the internet.
Contains DXpedition details, audio files, tube datasheets, and a photo gallery of conferences attended over the years. Germany.
German amateur radio station provides photos of his antennas over the years, and links.
Dedicated to 50MHz and 144MHz in Ireland. Real audio clips of aurora, tropo, meteor scatter, F2, sporadic E and TEP propagation.
EI5FK in Ireland lists a 144mhz log and audio files, photos and links.
Contains VHF information, links, profile and a beginner's guide to CW. Ireland.
Information about the 4m or 70MHz band. This band is allocated in the United Kingdom, and a number of other countries including Hungary.
UK amateur shares station and personal information, travel photography, and contest photos and details.
Author of VHF contest logging software. Intended for the British RSGB VHF contest rules, but may be useful elsewhere.
Peter Day, a Sheffield, England station, provides a guide to microwaves that features articles and email list.
Reg Belshaw provides a description of his equipment and photographs of his shack in the United Kingdom.
Contains 2m, 70cm and 23cm logs, and details of Sheffield's sewer gas destructor lamps. Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England.
Howard Ling provides news of his radio activity, contacts list, recordings of EME signals, information about station, and overview of projects. Lincolnshire, United Kingdom.
David Anderson with EME on 144 MHz and astronomy. MoonSked software for moontracking for Macintosh, Windows and Palm Pilot.
Discussion of ionoscatter on 50 and 144 MHz by Palle Preben-Hansen, OZ1RH.
Contains information on the hamshack, 10GHZ and grids and stations worked. Pennsylvania, United States.
Jeff Luce, member of the Rochester VHF Group. Includes information about standings, microwave resources and band plans. New York, United States.
Covers experimental work from VLF through laser by K3PGP, one of the EME pioneers.
Support for LYAC contest including rules, results and news. [English and Lithuanian]
Discusses ground gain and radiation angle at VHF.
Provides information on his current station, beacons, and contest activities, as well as VHF / UHF amplifiers pages with photos and tips. The Netherlands.
Pictures and projects from 144 MHz up to 76 GHz. The Netherlands.
Amateur in the Netherlands provides a profile, hamshack details with photos and DXCC and ODX.
John's page includes a biography and hamshack equipment details. Netherlands.
Contains information on contests held in the United Kingdom every June and September. Provides rules, results, stationery, online entry submission.
Devoted to rover, VHF/UHF weak signal, and contesting.
KF4BSN provides a list of repeaters in the United States, by state.
Information on the United Kingdom amateur radio repeater networks from the RSGB Emerging Technology Co-ordination Committee. Links, channel frequency tables and operational status.
Features projects including a W2IMU feedhorn for 2.4 GHz and short yagis for 2 metres on an Az-El mount as well as Excel spreadsheet calculators for calculating troposcatter links and transmission line transformations.
VHF/UHF propagation information, audio clips, personal background and links.
Features articles on EME, and audio files. Also includes a resource page for use of DSP and SDR techniques on the VHF and higher amateur radio bands.
Devoted to amateur radio microwaves, including the microwave reflector, rainscatter, projects and links. Primarily for 903 MHz and above.
Support for LYAC contest including rules, results and news. [English and Lithuanian]
Features articles on EME, and audio files. Also includes a resource page for use of DSP and SDR techniques on the VHF and higher amateur radio bands.
KF4BSN provides a list of repeaters in the United States, by state.
Provides information on his current station, beacons, and contest activities, as well as VHF / UHF amplifiers pages with photos and tips. The Netherlands.
Contains information on contests held in the United Kingdom every June and September. Provides rules, results, stationery, online entry submission.
Contains DXpedition details, audio files, tube datasheets, and a photo gallery of conferences attended over the years. Germany.
Dedicated to 50MHz and 144MHz in Ireland. Real audio clips of aurora, tropo, meteor scatter, F2, sporadic E and TEP propagation.
See amateur radio repeaters by state or location mapped visually in Google Maps.
Amateur in the Netherlands provides a profile, hamshack details with photos and DXCC and ODX.
Contains VHF information, links, profile and a beginner's guide to CW. Ireland.
Reg Belshaw provides a description of his equipment and photographs of his shack in the United Kingdom.
John's page includes a biography and hamshack equipment details. Netherlands.
EI5FK in Ireland lists a 144mhz log and audio files, photos and links.
VHF/UHF propagation information, audio clips, personal background and links.
UK amateur shares station and personal information, travel photography, and contest photos and details.
German amateur radio station provides photos of his antennas over the years, and links.
Peter Day, a Sheffield, England station, provides a guide to microwaves that features articles and email list.
Information about the 4m or 70MHz band. This band is allocated in the United Kingdom, and a number of other countries including Hungary.
Contains information on the hamshack, 10GHZ and grids and stations worked. Pennsylvania, United States.
Contains 2m, 70cm and 23cm logs, and details of Sheffield's sewer gas destructor lamps. Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England.
Features projects including a W2IMU feedhorn for 2.4 GHz and short yagis for 2 metres on an Az-El mount as well as Excel spreadsheet calculators for calculating troposcatter links and transmission line transformations.
Howard Ling provides news of his radio activity, contacts list, recordings of EME signals, information about station, and overview of projects. Lincolnshire, United Kingdom.
Discusses ground gain and radiation angle at VHF.
Jeff Luce, member of the Rochester VHF Group. Includes information about standings, microwave resources and band plans. New York, United States.
Discussion of ionoscatter on 50 and 144 MHz by Palle Preben-Hansen, OZ1RH.
Information on the United Kingdom amateur radio repeater networks from the RSGB Emerging Technology Co-ordination Committee. Links, channel frequency tables and operational status.
Devoted to amateur radio microwaves, including the microwave reflector, rainscatter, projects and links. Primarily for 903 MHz and above.
Pictures and projects from 144 MHz up to 76 GHz. The Netherlands.
David Anderson with EME on 144 MHz and astronomy. MoonSked software for moontracking for Macintosh, Windows and Palm Pilot.
Devoted to rover, VHF/UHF weak signal, and contesting.
Author of VHF contest logging software. Intended for the British RSGB VHF contest rules, but may be useful elsewhere.
Database collection from plain text and repeater listings over the internet.
Covers experimental work from VLF through laser by K3PGP, one of the EME pioneers.

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September 29, 2023 at 5:35:12 UTC
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