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Recreation Radio Citizen Band
This category is for personal home pages of CB operators, and information about Citizens Band (CB) radio.
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Subcategories 4

Repair parts and manuals for Golden Eagle, Tram, Cobra, DAK radios and other classic radios.
Idaho-based operator presents a DX directory, message board, store, and other links.
Virtual CB Reference. Photos, CB and 11-Meter information, history, technical data, message boards and games. [JavaScript].
Discussion forums, chat and downloads.
Features a forum, slideshows, reviews, classifieds, and links.
Online discussion group. Includes message boards.
Georgia and Carolina-based club. Lots of photos and roster information.
Full service repairs, modifications, upgrades, parts, and Custom Built radios to your specifications.
Superbowl Channel-6 operator with his high-power rig.
Featuring Browning and Tram enthusiasts, plus chat and photos.
With club contact and basic CB radio information for beginners.
Modification tips, tricks, and repairs with illustrations and detailed graphics.
World headquarters of REACT International.
Radio information, links, repair and modification tips.
Consumer information, links to manufacturers and worldwide operators, and personal commentary.
Features WINScanner software, intended for ham, CB radio and scanners, schematics and modifications of CB and amateur radios, including the President series.
Contact and chat with radio enthusiasts around the world. [membership]
Features WINScanner software, intended for ham, CB radio and scanners, schematics and modifications of CB and amateur radios, including the President series.
Features a forum, slideshows, reviews, classifieds, and links.
Featuring Browning and Tram enthusiasts, plus chat and photos.
Discussion forums, chat and downloads.
Idaho-based operator presents a DX directory, message board, store, and other links.
Full service repairs, modifications, upgrades, parts, and Custom Built radios to your specifications.
Virtual CB Reference. Photos, CB and 11-Meter information, history, technical data, message boards and games. [JavaScript].
Repair parts and manuals for Golden Eagle, Tram, Cobra, DAK radios and other classic radios.
Contact and chat with radio enthusiasts around the world. [membership]
Georgia and Carolina-based club. Lots of photos and roster information.
Superbowl Channel-6 operator with his high-power rig.
With club contact and basic CB radio information for beginners.
Online discussion group. Includes message boards.
World headquarters of REACT International.
Radio information, links, repair and modification tips.
Consumer information, links to manufacturers and worldwide operators, and personal commentary.
Modification tips, tricks, and repairs with illustrations and detailed graphics.

Other languages 4

Last update:
September 29, 2023 at 5:25:13 UTC
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