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This category contains sites dedicated to Semantic Web activity, community, research, events and tools. The Semantic Web is a vision: the idea of having data on the web defined and linked in a way that it can be used by machines - not just for display purposes, but for using it in various applications.
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Live early adoption and demonstration project enhancing the W3C collaboration environment with shared annotations.
A human-centric web architecture comprised of semantic markup and fuzzy logics.
Comparison of Conceptual Graphs as a logic layer to RDF.
A general purpose data processor written in Python. Core language is RDF, extended to include rules, using RDF/XML or RDF/N3 serializations as required.
A backward-chaining reasoner based on RDF and OWL, using resolution inference mechanism and following Euler paths.
Homepage of a Semantic Web textbook, featuring free slide sets of tutorials on semantic technologies.
Connects people and communities by with semantic technology. It enables to share and distribute knowledge.
A framework for a personal semantic desktop system.
A visual authoring tool for RDF.
Provide abstracts of downloadable technical papers on various Semantic Web topics like Dynamic Ontologies and Semantic Interoperability.
Offers Semantic Web tools for download, including: Jena .NET, RDF Buddy and Triple Machine.
Uses RDF, RDF Schema, and OWL to create ontologies and manage metadata.
Provides consulting and modeling for architectural design employing Semantic Technology in the creation of large enterprise ontologies.
Provides companies, institutions and organizations with professional services related to the Semantic Web. [A-1160 Wien]
Experiment in applying and assembling existing Semantic Web technologies in one day.
Online Journal on Semantic Web research. Listed in the ACM Digital Library.
A non-profit organisation incorporated in Karlsruhe, Germany for the purpose of promoting and exchanging scholarly work in Semantic Web and related fields throughout the world.
An XML hacker discusses XML, RDF and the Semantic Web. Features links to other resources.
Aims to establish Semantics as a core pillar of modern computer engineering.
Paper exploring the development of a distributed open opinion architecture.
Company that providing consulting and tools for architectural design and implementation of Semantic Technology Solutions with an emphasis on Ontology Engineering.
The W3C Semantic Web Activity has been established to serve a leadership role, in both the design of specifications and the open, collaborative development of technology for the Semantic Web.
The original design and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web, by its inventor, Tim Berners-Lee. Features a linked glossary, a time line, errata and an excerpt from Chapter 1.
Article on W3C's Semantic Web activity. (October 01, 2002)
Article by Uche Ogbuji discusses the limits of today's Web and the challenge of how agents can infer relationships and act on them. Originally published in the "New Architect" e-zine. Explains the basics of RDF. (June 01, 2002)
Offers an introduction and discusses technologies and developments. By Edd Dumbill, published in O'Reilly (November 01, 2000)
An attempt to give a high-level plan of the architecture by Tim Berners-Lee. (September 14, 1998)
Paper exploring the development of a distributed open opinion architecture.
Online Journal on Semantic Web research. Listed in the ACM Digital Library.
A non-profit organisation incorporated in Karlsruhe, Germany for the purpose of promoting and exchanging scholarly work in Semantic Web and related fields throughout the world.
Connects people and communities by with semantic technology. It enables to share and distribute knowledge.
Provides companies, institutions and organizations with professional services related to the Semantic Web. [A-1160 Wien]
Aims to establish Semantics as a core pillar of modern computer engineering.
Homepage of a Semantic Web textbook, featuring free slide sets of tutorials on semantic technologies.
Provides consulting and modeling for architectural design employing Semantic Technology in the creation of large enterprise ontologies.
Offers Semantic Web tools for download, including: Jena .NET, RDF Buddy and Triple Machine.
A visual authoring tool for RDF.
A human-centric web architecture comprised of semantic markup and fuzzy logics.
Provide abstracts of downloadable technical papers on various Semantic Web topics like Dynamic Ontologies and Semantic Interoperability.
An XML hacker discusses XML, RDF and the Semantic Web. Features links to other resources.
Live early adoption and demonstration project enhancing the W3C collaboration environment with shared annotations.
The W3C Semantic Web Activity has been established to serve a leadership role, in both the design of specifications and the open, collaborative development of technology for the Semantic Web.
Comparison of Conceptual Graphs as a logic layer to RDF.
A general purpose data processor written in Python. Core language is RDF, extended to include rules, using RDF/XML or RDF/N3 serializations as required.
Experiment in applying and assembling existing Semantic Web technologies in one day.
A backward-chaining reasoner based on RDF and OWL, using resolution inference mechanism and following Euler paths.
Company that providing consulting and tools for architectural design and implementation of Semantic Technology Solutions with an emphasis on Ontology Engineering.
Uses RDF, RDF Schema, and OWL to create ontologies and manage metadata.
A framework for a personal semantic desktop system.
The original design and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web, by its inventor, Tim Berners-Lee. Features a linked glossary, a time line, errata and an excerpt from Chapter 1.
Article on W3C's Semantic Web activity. (October 01, 2002)
Article by Uche Ogbuji discusses the limits of today's Web and the challenge of how agents can infer relationships and act on them. Originally published in the "New Architect" e-zine. Explains the basics of RDF. (June 01, 2002)
Offers an introduction and discusses technologies and developments. By Edd Dumbill, published in O'Reilly (November 01, 2000)
An attempt to give a high-level plan of the architecture by Tim Berners-Lee. (September 14, 1998)

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August 18, 2023 at 21:02:18 UTC
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