Category for cataloging resources, including both descriptive cataloging and classification, or research relating to cataloging. Cataloging is the process by which librarians assign subject headings and other information that makes it easier for patrons to find an item in the library catalog.
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Subcategories 9
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Sites 5
Comprehensive cataloging and catalog management resources on the Internet.
"The CRS is based on 21 MARC manuals and other reference works published by The Library of Congress and frequently accessed by technical services staff." Includes USMARC Formats, USMARC Code Lists, Subject Cataloging Manuals, Other Reference Manuals, including CONSER, Classification, Rare Books, Looseleaf, Archival, Maps, NACO, and other information.
Cataloging tool which generates LC main entry and geographic Cutter numbers. It also finds MARC tags, language codes, geographic area codes, publication country codes, fixed field elements for books and serials, and AACR2 abbreviations.
The home page for the Cataloging Policy and Support Office, the office that formulates and documents descriptive and subject cataloging policy at the Library of Congress. Includes cataloguing tools and documentation, current information on LC Classification, and cataloging policy papers and reports.
Information on principles, basic content and resources on cataloguing for small libraries.
Comprehensive cataloging and catalog management resources on the Internet.
Information on principles, basic content and resources on cataloguing for small libraries.
The home page for the Cataloging Policy and Support Office, the office that formulates and documents descriptive and subject cataloging policy at the Library of Congress. Includes cataloguing tools and documentation, current information on LC Classification, and cataloging policy papers and reports.
Cataloging tool which generates LC main entry and geographic Cutter numbers. It also finds MARC tags, language codes, geographic area codes, publication country codes, fixed field elements for books and serials, and AACR2 abbreviations.
"The CRS is based on 21 MARC manuals and other reference works published by The Library of Congress and frequently accessed by technical services staff." Includes USMARC Formats, USMARC Code Lists, Subject Cataloging Manuals, Other Reference Manuals, including CONSER, Classification, Rare Books, Looseleaf, Archival, Maps, NACO, and other information.

Last update:
August 19, 2023 at 7:45:03 UTC

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