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News, reports and success stories for the country including AI Annual Report entries for the past ten years. [English, Spanish]
Organisation providing a mobile library for remote communities in Zambia, aiming to encourage literacy among children. Explains how the project works, invites donations and includes news and a blog.
Registered UK charity for education, culture and development services provides news and information about its facilities and programs in the country.
Non-governmental organisation that aims is to assist rural communities in Zambia ravaged by HIV/AIDS, providing improved education, feeding programs, safe water, health care and an orphan sponsorship program.
UK Registered Charity helping to educate Zambian children orphaned by AIDS. Includes information on projects, AIDS in Zambia, and how to help.
Development Aid from People to People in Zambia is a non-governmental organisation working in the fight against HIV/AIDS, taking care of orphans and vulnerable children and protecting the environment.
International Catholic charitable organisation providing education, care of orphaned children and home-based care for those living with HIV/AIDS and their families.
Aims to improve the health of the less fortunate, young and old in Zambia. Includes details of mobile clinics, sewing centres and projects.
Christian agency provides primary, secondary and adult education courses in a variety of vocational subjects, as well as clinics, family planning services, and an AIDS orphan village. Near Lusaka.
Humanitarian news and analysis on relief, development, social, economic and political affairs, by the Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Information about orphans, orphanages, and how to help.
Non-governmental organisation aiming to tackle illiteracy in the poorest parts of Africa, starting with orphans and vulnerable children in Lusaka.
Non-profit organization explains its aims of promoting girls' rights and teaching them how to protect against HIV/AIDs.
Deals with political, social, economic, investment, trade and security questions of interest to the UK and Zambia, working with the UK's Department for International Development and the British Council. Also consular services.
Provides latest updates on emergencies, sector reports, appeals and financial tracking along with background information and employment vacancies.
Provides news, statistics, background information, funding appeals and donor updates.
Official local site provides information about the country plus all programs, factsheets, employment and procurement opportunities, documents and partners of the US Agency for International Development.
Practical and moral assistance.
Contact details for a UK-registered charity working in the fields of poverty relief, health and education in Zambia.
Information about orphans, orphanages, and how to help.
Provides news, statistics, background information, funding appeals and donor updates.
UK Registered Charity helping to educate Zambian children orphaned by AIDS. Includes information on projects, AIDS in Zambia, and how to help.
Deals with political, social, economic, investment, trade and security questions of interest to the UK and Zambia, working with the UK's Department for International Development and the British Council. Also consular services.
News, reports and success stories for the country including AI Annual Report entries for the past ten years. [English, Spanish]
Humanitarian news and analysis on relief, development, social, economic and political affairs, by the Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
International Catholic charitable organisation providing education, care of orphaned children and home-based care for those living with HIV/AIDS and their families.
Official local site provides information about the country plus all programs, factsheets, employment and procurement opportunities, documents and partners of the US Agency for International Development.
Registered UK charity for education, culture and development services provides news and information about its facilities and programs in the country.
Provides latest updates on emergencies, sector reports, appeals and financial tracking along with background information and employment vacancies.
Aims to improve the health of the less fortunate, young and old in Zambia. Includes details of mobile clinics, sewing centres and projects.
Development Aid from People to People in Zambia is a non-governmental organisation working in the fight against HIV/AIDS, taking care of orphans and vulnerable children and protecting the environment.
Non-governmental organisation aiming to tackle illiteracy in the poorest parts of Africa, starting with orphans and vulnerable children in Lusaka.
Non-governmental organisation that aims is to assist rural communities in Zambia ravaged by HIV/AIDS, providing improved education, feeding programs, safe water, health care and an orphan sponsorship program.
Organisation providing a mobile library for remote communities in Zambia, aiming to encourage literacy among children. Explains how the project works, invites donations and includes news and a blog.
Christian agency provides primary, secondary and adult education courses in a variety of vocational subjects, as well as clinics, family planning services, and an AIDS orphan village. Near Lusaka.
Practical and moral assistance.
Non-profit organization explains its aims of promoting girls' rights and teaching them how to protect against HIV/AIDs.
Contact details for a UK-registered charity working in the fields of poverty relief, health and education in Zambia.

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