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This category lists sites offering information targeted toward people with disabilities. Certain specific services, such as mental health, are listed under Regional: Asia: Hong Kong: Health.
More information
Organises art activities for and by people with disability. Provides an overview, current activities and donation appeals.
NGO serving the persons with severe physical disabilities in HK.
Christian school and retirement home for the blind.
Provides education and social services for disabled children.
To promote self-help and mutual help in daily living to the blind, and to promote integration and equality in society.
Organizer of rehabilitation-related services.
A government subsidised, voluntary organisation to serve blind and visually impaired people in Hong Kong.
Offers expert services to the disabled and rehabilitation communities in Hong Kong, and develops interdisciplinary research projects in biomedical and rehabilitation engineering. A specialist centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Statutory body for providing compensation to persons who have suffered noise-induced deafness due to employment. Provides information on hearing aids and tips on protecting a worker's hearing.
Provides medical, surgical, rehabilitation and education facilities for disabled children in Hong Kong.
Offers services to people with disabilities. Provides the organisation's profile, service areas, publications and news about events and activities.
Statutory body for providing compensation to persons who have suffered noise-induced deafness due to employment. Provides information on hearing aids and tips on protecting a worker's hearing.
Christian school and retirement home for the blind.
Offers expert services to the disabled and rehabilitation communities in Hong Kong, and develops interdisciplinary research projects in biomedical and rehabilitation engineering. A specialist centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Organises art activities for and by people with disability. Provides an overview, current activities and donation appeals.
Organizer of rehabilitation-related services.
Provides education and social services for disabled children.
A government subsidised, voluntary organisation to serve blind and visually impaired people in Hong Kong.
NGO serving the persons with severe physical disabilities in HK.
Offers services to people with disabilities. Provides the organisation's profile, service areas, publications and news about events and activities.
To promote self-help and mutual help in daily living to the blind, and to promote integration and equality in society.
Provides medical, surgical, rehabilitation and education facilities for disabled children in Hong Kong.

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Last update:
October 25, 2022 at 5:15:09 UTC
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