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Health sites relevant to the Indian context and hosted from India only maybe submitted here. Sites with commercial interest should be not to be listed here.
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Subcategories 36

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Offering different levels of teaching programmes for health professionals and IT professionals in the health care industry.
A New Delhi based not for profit organization. Aims at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of India's antiquated healthcare system by use of information technologies.
Provides health care information on diseases, medicines and treatment both for patients and doctors.
not for profit registered organisation providing specialized health care in some of the remotest and underdeveloped parts of India.
On the spread and current state of the disease in the country. Includes detailed accounts of the worst affected states and communities.
Provides speciality news, journal scan, clinical rounds, discussion forums, case opinions from a panel of specialists and conference updates.
Provides statistical facts and figures on Indian health sector culled from various secondary level sources.
A website for doctors and medical staff, with job listings, educational pages, and speciality related links.
Provides free artificial limbs, jaipur foot, polio calipers, crutches, prosthesis to amputees and disabled in India and abroad.
Helps children with disabilities by establishing orthopedic clinics, providing resources and training helping local doctors.
Provides information on health and medicine. Includes doctors, hospitals, chemists, pharmaceuticals and medical institutions.
An autonomous institution supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.
Information for travelers in India, on clinics and travel alerts in addition to 24 hours emergency services.
Focuses on heart diseases, diabetes, stress, hypertension and obesity.
Helping childhood depression, cognition psychology and conduct disorders.
Information on the diagnosis, treatment,control,and prevention of tuberculosis both for the patients as well as doctors.
A non-profit charitable organisation serving the blind community. Information about services, facilities, and camps. Working in Delhi and nearby areas.
not for profit registered organisation providing specialized health care in some of the remotest and underdeveloped parts of India.
On the spread and current state of the disease in the country. Includes detailed accounts of the worst affected states and communities.
Provides health care information on diseases, medicines and treatment both for patients and doctors.
A website for doctors and medical staff, with job listings, educational pages, and speciality related links.
Helping childhood depression, cognition psychology and conduct disorders.
A New Delhi based not for profit organization. Aims at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of India's antiquated healthcare system by use of information technologies.
Provides statistical facts and figures on Indian health sector culled from various secondary level sources.
Information on the diagnosis, treatment,control,and prevention of tuberculosis both for the patients as well as doctors.
A non-profit charitable organisation serving the blind community. Information about services, facilities, and camps. Working in Delhi and nearby areas.
Information for travelers in India, on clinics and travel alerts in addition to 24 hours emergency services.
Focuses on heart diseases, diabetes, stress, hypertension and obesity.
Provides free artificial limbs, jaipur foot, polio calipers, crutches, prosthesis to amputees and disabled in India and abroad.
Provides information on health and medicine. Includes doctors, hospitals, chemists, pharmaceuticals and medical institutions.
Helps children with disabilities by establishing orthopedic clinics, providing resources and training helping local doctors.
Offering different levels of teaching programmes for health professionals and IT professionals in the health care industry.
Provides speciality news, journal scan, clinical rounds, discussion forums, case opinions from a panel of specialists and conference updates.
An autonomous institution supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.

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Last update:
October 6, 2023 at 16:44:26 UTC
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