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This category is for sites on the executive branch of the Japanese government, the Cabinet Office, which includes the Prime Minister and all government organs under him.

Websites submitted here must be Japan related and in English. Sites in Japanese should be submitted to the appropriate World/Japanese subcategory.

More information

Introduction to the function of the various departments, state guest-house photo gallery, decoration bureau, office for gender equality, science council of Japan.
Official website of the Kantei. Regularly updated with current events.
Shows minutes of conferences and consultations of the Japanese cabinet on national economic affairs.
Administrative organ to implement the Antimonopoly Act and competition policy.
With organizational chart, press releases, and current statements on policy from the chairman.
Japanese agency on overseeing banking, securities and exchange, and insurance.
Gives Japan's Basic Law for a Gender-equal Society, activities of council to eradicate gender based violence and discrimination.
‚bentral personnel agency of the Japanese government that defines rules on appointment, promotion and retirement, remuneration systems, conducts training, working conditions, and monitors discipline and ethics.
Protects investors and maintains the integrity of the securities markets through inspections of companies, surveillance of markets and investigations of securities fraud. Gives history, organization, and statistics.
Official website of the Kantei. Regularly updated with current events.
Introduction to the function of the various departments, state guest-house photo gallery, decoration bureau, office for gender equality, science council of Japan.
‚bentral personnel agency of the Japanese government that defines rules on appointment, promotion and retirement, remuneration systems, conducts training, working conditions, and monitors discipline and ethics.
Japanese agency on overseeing banking, securities and exchange, and insurance.
Shows minutes of conferences and consultations of the Japanese cabinet on national economic affairs.
Protects investors and maintains the integrity of the securities markets through inspections of companies, surveillance of markets and investigations of securities fraud. Gives history, organization, and statistics.
With organizational chart, press releases, and current statements on policy from the chairman.
Administrative organ to implement the Antimonopoly Act and competition policy.
Gives Japan's Basic Law for a Gender-equal Society, activities of council to eradicate gender based violence and discrimination.
Last update:
April 6, 2023 at 10:34:12 UTC
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