Information on local businesses, business associations, and the Seoul economy.
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Subcategories 11
Related categories 2
Sites 4
Publisher of English-language books on Korean history, food, culture, arts, sports, and sightseeing. Includes profiles of each book, international distribution information. [Korean, English]
Mail-order firm selling traditional Korean crafts, including celadon, to international consumers. Includes substantial information about Korean folk crafts.
Leases telecommunication and power lines and equipment. [Korean, English]
Alarm monitoring systems and services, stolen vehicle recovery systems, CCTV systems, security consulting, security education and job training, and data protection services. [Korean, English]
Publisher of English-language books on Korean history, food, culture, arts, sports, and sightseeing. Includes profiles of each book, international distribution information. [Korean, English]
Mail-order firm selling traditional Korean crafts, including celadon, to international consumers. Includes substantial information about Korean folk crafts.
Alarm monitoring systems and services, stolen vehicle recovery systems, CCTV systems, security consulting, security education and job training, and data protection services. [Korean, English]
Leases telecommunication and power lines and equipment. [Korean, English]
Other languages 2
Last update:
July 4, 2023 at 5:25:05 UTC
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Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Computers and Internet: Consultants: Network
- Recently edited by merlin1
- Recently edited by merlin1