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Contact details plus a selection of images included.
Annual event funded by the Ministry of Culture the Czech Committee for UNESCO and UNICEF. Contains detailed background information, request forms, the program, information for the press, and the list of partners.
Festival promoting documentary film making for human rights causes. Contains an overview of previous years, entry form and preview for upcoming events, and the list of winners.
Festival promoting documentary film making for human rights causes. Contains an overview of previous years, entry form and preview for upcoming events, and the list of winners.
Contact details plus a selection of images included.
Annual event funded by the Ministry of Culture the Czech Committee for UNESCO and UNICEF. Contains detailed background information, request forms, the program, information for the press, and the list of partners.
Last update:
October 4, 2007 at 5:42:25 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel