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This category contains bed and breakfast establishments located in Aude. Bed and breakfasts are limited service lodgings, usually smaller establishments that emphasize a more personal, homelike relationship between operators and guests. Rooms may not include some modern amenities such as television and telephones, and may have a shared bathroom. Usually owner-operated, with a common room or parlor, separate from the innkeeper's living quarters, where guests and operators can interact during evening and breakfast hours. Some B&Bs offer cottages or guesthouses in addition to or instead of traditional "in house" accommodations. Evening office closures are normal. Breakfast is typically served and is included in the room rate.
More information
Information on this bed and breakfast in Rennes les Bains.
Bed and breakfast in a 18th century house in Quillan.
35 minutes from Toulouse, 2 bedrooms available for guests in this 18th century chateau. Also available for weddings and seminars.
On an organic farm in the country. Presentation, photos, activities.
Bed and breakfast with internet cafe on the banks of the Canal du Midi.
Bed and breakfast open all year.Belvianes et Cavirac.
On an organic farm in the country. Presentation, photos, activities.
Bed and breakfast open all year.Belvianes et Cavirac.
Bed and breakfast in a 18th century house in Quillan.
Bed and breakfast with internet cafe on the banks of the Canal du Midi.
35 minutes from Toulouse, 2 bedrooms available for guests in this 18th century chateau. Also available for weddings and seminars.
Information on this bed and breakfast in Rennes les Bains.

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