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Subcategories 2

Original black-and-white plus some contemporary color photos of scenes from Dublin. From GettyImages.
BBC history site about the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland that includes a radio archive of audio clips.
Article in The New York Times by Liam Stack.
Information on an historical walking tour of Dublin that details the events surrounding the 1916 Easter Rising.
Historic photos and footage, with commentary by history experts.
From the National Library of Ireland comes a digital collection of documents and photographs relative to each of the seven signatories of the Proclamation that launched the Easter Rising of 1916.
Documentary that explains how and when the rebellion came about. Historical photos included.
Information from
Extensive historical overview of the event, the Proclamation, the people and events.
Article by Gillian O'Brien in the American Historical Association's newsletter.
Name and location of memorials with photos of each.
Photos, information and links to podcasts.
Article focused on World War I and the events unfolding in Dublin in 1916.
Story with images from Ireland Calling.
Names and brief biographies of the seven signatories of the 1916 Proclamation. Also includes information on others leaders who were executed for their participation in the Rising.
Lyrics and Information on song that is associated with the Easter Uprising of 1916.
Article written by Maureen Buckley in a scholarly journal from 1956, as provided by JSTOR.
List with overview of each.
Transcript of the provisional proclamation read outside the GPO Easter Monday at the start of the Rising.
Cultural commentary by Paul Foley the presents a history and analysis of the cultural impact of the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin.
Major events from May 1912 through May 1916 with notes of events in the years afterwards, up to 1926.
Online exhibit that includes photographs and images of publications, people and events from the rebellion. From Villanova University.
Original black-and-white plus some contemporary color photos of scenes from Dublin. From GettyImages.
Article written by Maureen Buckley in a scholarly journal from 1956, as provided by JSTOR.
Information from
Extensive historical overview of the event, the Proclamation, the people and events.
Online exhibit that includes photographs and images of publications, people and events from the rebellion. From Villanova University.
Name and location of memorials with photos of each.
Names and brief biographies of the seven signatories of the 1916 Proclamation. Also includes information on others leaders who were executed for their participation in the Rising.
Story with images from Ireland Calling.
Cultural commentary by Paul Foley the presents a history and analysis of the cultural impact of the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin.
From the National Library of Ireland comes a digital collection of documents and photographs relative to each of the seven signatories of the Proclamation that launched the Easter Rising of 1916.
Transcript of the provisional proclamation read outside the GPO Easter Monday at the start of the Rising.
Photos, information and links to podcasts.
Article focused on World War I and the events unfolding in Dublin in 1916.
Major events from May 1912 through May 1916 with notes of events in the years afterwards, up to 1926.
Article in The New York Times by Liam Stack.
Documentary that explains how and when the rebellion came about. Historical photos included.
List with overview of each.
Article by Gillian O'Brien in the American Historical Association's newsletter.
Historic photos and footage, with commentary by history experts.
Lyrics and Information on song that is associated with the Easter Uprising of 1916.
BBC history site about the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland that includes a radio archive of audio clips.
Information on an historical walking tour of Dublin that details the events surrounding the 1916 Easter Rising.
Last update:
August 1, 2023 at 5:35:03 UTC
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