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This category is for local businesses and economic activity related to products and services intended for the home and garden. Examples of products include sellers of plants, swimming pools, and windows. Examples of services include suppliers of water softeners, interior design, lawn maintenance, pest control, and house-sitting.
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Close to the city, a store featuring contemporary and modern furniture, lighting and interior design. Product range, photographs and manufacturer details.
Store selling home furnishings, leather goods and accessories. Some photographs of products and company details.
Historic shop open since 1889 offering fine household linens and towels. Presents collections, points of sale and contacts.
Manufacturer of household linen and decorative accessories. Flash presentation of company and product range.
Handmade wooden furniture and furnishing accessories. Examples of production, company details. Flash presentation.
Information about this weaving mill for handcrafted upholstery fabrics. Includes a feature that allows one to view different fabrics on furniture and draperies.
Historic shop open since 1889 offering fine household linens and towels. Presents collections, points of sale and contacts.
Information about this weaving mill for handcrafted upholstery fabrics. Includes a feature that allows one to view different fabrics on furniture and draperies.
Handmade wooden furniture and furnishing accessories. Examples of production, company details. Flash presentation.
Close to the city, a store featuring contemporary and modern furniture, lighting and interior design. Product range, photographs and manufacturer details.
Manufacturer of household linen and decorative accessories. Flash presentation of company and product range.
Store selling home furnishings, leather goods and accessories. Some photographs of products and company details.
Last update:
December 28, 2023 at 6:15:16 UTC
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