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Subcategories 5

Related categories 6

Prime Minister, the Cabinet, Government Information Centre, central and local administration, newsletters, social reforms, archives.
Complete copies and links to the country's Constitution, along with related background, history and events, provided by International Constitutional Law.
State owned company supporting economic transformation of state enterprises, rescheduling their debt and providing loans.
Laws and regulations, research and databases. Major areas: forestry, environment, water supply, floods. Polish/English.
Responsible for state budget, tax administration and policies. Daily information service, current data and analysis.
Foreign policy, statements, list and links to embassies.
Provides support to the Minister of Sport and Tourism in Poland. Includes press releases, statistics and ministry organization.
Checking working conditions, compliance with labour code.
Actually not a governmental body but supervised by the President.
Laws, monthly procurement bulletin (in Polish only) with announcements of tenders by all public institutions.
Performs checks of technical devices (lifts, elevators, cranes, high pressure devices).
Partner for foreign businesses entering the Polish market, especially through direct investments.
Supervises system of testing and certification in Poland, runs quality system certification according to PN-ISO 9000 norm.
Issues norms and standards.
Chamber of the Parliament of Poland. Introduction, legislative procedure and the chamber's pre-eminent role in the process, directory of deputies, committees, Constitution of 1997.
Chamber of the Parliament.
Auditing state institutions and institutions receiving public funds. Independent from the government.
Features the history of the city, information about the capital of Kielce and office contacts.
Annotated compendium of online sources providing access to primary documents, legal commentary and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics.
Entry about the 5th President of Poland in the online collaborative encyclopaedia.
Catalog and search facilities for over 500 databases from 55 countries including case-law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals, and other materials.
Prime Minister, the Cabinet, Government Information Centre, central and local administration, newsletters, social reforms, archives.
Partner for foreign businesses entering the Polish market, especially through direct investments.
Responsible for state budget, tax administration and policies. Daily information service, current data and analysis.
State owned company supporting economic transformation of state enterprises, rescheduling their debt and providing loans.
Provides support to the Minister of Sport and Tourism in Poland. Includes press releases, statistics and ministry organization.
Annotated compendium of online sources providing access to primary documents, legal commentary and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics.
Chamber of the Parliament.
Features the history of the city, information about the capital of Kielce and office contacts.
Entry about the 5th President of Poland in the online collaborative encyclopaedia.
Complete copies and links to the country's Constitution, along with related background, history and events, provided by International Constitutional Law.
Supervises system of testing and certification in Poland, runs quality system certification according to PN-ISO 9000 norm.
Chamber of the Parliament of Poland. Introduction, legislative procedure and the chamber's pre-eminent role in the process, directory of deputies, committees, Constitution of 1997.
Checking working conditions, compliance with labour code.
Laws and regulations, research and databases. Major areas: forestry, environment, water supply, floods. Polish/English.
Laws, monthly procurement bulletin (in Polish only) with announcements of tenders by all public institutions.
Foreign policy, statements, list and links to embassies.
Catalog and search facilities for over 500 databases from 55 countries including case-law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals, and other materials.
Performs checks of technical devices (lifts, elevators, cranes, high pressure devices).
Actually not a governmental body but supervised by the President.
Auditing state institutions and institutions receiving public funds. Independent from the government.
Issues norms and standards.

Other languages 7

Last update:
December 29, 2023 at 6:35:08 UTC
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