Located in eastern Sweden, south of Stockholm, Östergötland is a mostly land-bound county. Its borders are almost identical to those of Ostrogothia, or the Province of Östergötland. Its area is 10562km2 and it has a population of 414900 (2004).
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More information
Subcategories 1
Sites 2
Article from Wikipedia about the old province of Ostrogothia (Östergötland), its history, geography and culture.
Tourist information including data bases of restaurants, activities, events, sights, accommodation and shopping.
Tourist information including data bases of restaurants, activities, events, sights, accommodation and shopping.
Article from Wikipedia about the old province of Ostrogothia (Östergötland), its history, geography and culture.
Other languages 3

Last update:
August 7, 2023 at 7:25:18 UTC

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