Kiruna is the northernmost, and largest, of Sweden's municipality, covering an area larger than that of New Jersey. The local seat of government is Kiruna Town. The entire municipality is north of the Pole Circle, and so enjoys midnight sun in the summer months. The space station Esrange, used for research on the atmosphere and on the aurora borealis, is located here.
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Information for visitors, tourists and inhabitants. Tourism, business, events and service.
Research institute carrying out research in space physics and technology. Research, data, popular science and publications.
The BBC reports on moving a large town, as the mine—the main employer—keeps growing.
(March 06, 2014)
Information for visitors, tourists and inhabitants. Tourism, business, events and service.
Research institute carrying out research in space physics and technology. Research, data, popular science and publications.
The BBC reports on moving a large town, as the mine—the main employer—keeps growing.
(March 06, 2014)
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May 13, 2015 at 14:15:09 UTC
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