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Regional Europe Switzerland Science and Environment
[Science and Environment - Includes information about the region's natural environment; as well as scientific activities specific to the region.]
"Switzerland lies at the heart of Western Europe and covers an area of 41,284 square kilometres. Of this, 68 percent is productive land (including pastures and forests) and over 6.5 percent consists of built-up areas. Switzerland measures 220 kilometres at its greatest extent from north to south, while the longest west-to-eastaxis is 348 kilometres. Its highest point is the Dufourspitze in the Monte Rosa massif in the Valais (4,634 metres above sea level), while the lowest is the surface of Lago Maggiore in Ticino (193 metres above sealevel)." "7.062 million people live in Switzerland. The average population density is 171 persons per square kilometre; however,the density of population varies greatly from region to region [..] Of the 3.8 million people in regular employment in Switzerland (full- and part-time positions), in 1996 about 5 percent worked in the primary sector (agriculture), 28 percent in the secondarysector (energy and water supplies, manufacturing and construction) and 67 percent in the tertiary sector (services and public administration). Not least because of the high population density and intensive economic activity, the environment in Switzerland is under significant pressure ­ in spite of progress in environmental protection. The focus of environmental policy is increasingly shifting from consideration of emission sources, impacts or environmental media (water, soil, air) as separate fields towards integrated environmental protection." Source: Buwal: Environmental Parameters, Introduction

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A research and testing institute for thermal solar energy. Main specialties: collectors, systems, materials and software to calculate and optimize collector system properties. [German, English, French, Spanish, Italian]
Federal government agency responsible in the field. Features current projects, reports, and coordination activity.
National information platform for the application of the Convention on Biological Diversity of Rio 1992. After an overview of the situation in Switzerland, the national action plan is presented, along with current events and activities. Includes national monitoring reports.
National research center for water pollution control. Interdisciplinary research, services and activities of the institute.
Research institute focused on use, management and protection of terrestrial habitats and the management of natural hazards. The three departements are landscape, forest and natural hazards.
Report. Introduction to the regional environment: geology, climate, hydrology, natural resources, landscape, population and political structure.
National information platform for the application of the Convention on Biological Diversity of Rio 1992. After an overview of the situation in Switzerland, the national action plan is presented, along with current events and activities. Includes national monitoring reports.
Research institute focused on use, management and protection of terrestrial habitats and the management of natural hazards. The three departements are landscape, forest and natural hazards.
Federal government agency responsible in the field. Features current projects, reports, and coordination activity.
Report. Introduction to the regional environment: geology, climate, hydrology, natural resources, landscape, population and political structure.
A research and testing institute for thermal solar energy. Main specialties: collectors, systems, materials and software to calculate and optimize collector system properties. [German, English, French, Spanish, Italian]
National research center for water pollution control. Interdisciplinary research, services and activities of the institute.

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October 18, 2019 at 8:45:07 UTC
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