Sitcom revolving around three Irish priests, banished by the Catholic Church to a remote and inhospitable island for various misdemeanours. Starring Dermot Morgan, Ardal O'Hanlon, Frank Kelly and Pauline McLynn. Written by Graham Linehan and Arthur Matthews. First aired on Channel 4 in 1995.
More information
More information
Subcategories 6
Sites 8
Character profiles, episode guide, images and merchandise.
Information on cast, writers and producers.
Reports on the 'Ted Fest' convention. Includes a message board and details of competition winners.
Provides a detailed summary of the programme, with a list of episodes and links to related articles.
A selection of images from the inaugural Father Ted festival on a remote island off the County Galway coast.
(February 25, 2007)
'Fans of Father Ted, the hit 1990s Irish comedy that followed the surreal adventures of Roman Catholic priests on remote Craggy Island, will gather this weekend to pay homage.'
(February 21, 2007)
'The organisers of a Father Ted festival come up with an ingenious solution to decide who is the real Craggy Island - a five-a-side football tournament.'
(January 25, 2007)
'A row has broken out between two remote Irish islands over an inaugural Father Ted festival next month.'
(January 22, 2007)
Character profiles, episode guide, images and merchandise.
Reports on the 'Ted Fest' convention. Includes a message board and details of competition winners.
Information on cast, writers and producers.
Provides a detailed summary of the programme, with a list of episodes and links to related articles.
A selection of images from the inaugural Father Ted festival on a remote island off the County Galway coast.
(February 25, 2007)
'Fans of Father Ted, the hit 1990s Irish comedy that followed the surreal adventures of Roman Catholic priests on remote Craggy Island, will gather this weekend to pay homage.'
(February 21, 2007)
'The organisers of a Father Ted festival come up with an ingenious solution to decide who is the real Craggy Island - a five-a-side football tournament.'
(January 25, 2007)
'A row has broken out between two remote Irish islands over an inaugural Father Ted festival next month.'
(January 22, 2007)
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May 20, 2020 at 10:35:03 UTC
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