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Life on Mars is a police drama with science fiction elements that was broadcast on BBC One in two eight-episode series in 2006 and 2007. In it, Manchester DCI Sam Tyler is hit by a car in 2006 and subsequently finds himself in 1973, as a new transfer to the Manchester department. There, he has to contend with boorish, brash commanding officer Gene Hunt, outdated technology, and 1970s social mores, while grappling with a bigger question: Has he gone mad, is he comatose, or has he travelled back in time? Life on Mars won several awards, including the International Emmy for drama in 2006 and the BAFTAs' Audience Award in 2007. An American version of the show is being produced by David E. Kelley. Most of Life on Mars' main characters reappear in Ashes to Ashes, a follow-up series which premiered in 2008 and features a female detective familiar with Sam's story who finds herself in 1981 London.
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Official site for the show features an overview of the show, background on the 1970s, episode guides, song lists, character and actor profiles, wallpapers and screensavers.
LiveJournal community featuring fan discussion and fiction.
Cast and crew listings, episode and filming details, quotes and trivia.
Blog features news and articles.
Weblog covering news about the original show, the U.S. remake and the spinoff "Ashes to Ashes."
Detailed article covering the programme's production, music, storyline and trivia.
LiveJournal community featuring fan discussion and fiction.
Blog features news and articles.
Weblog covering news about the original show, the U.S. remake and the spinoff "Ashes to Ashes."
Official site for the show features an overview of the show, background on the 1970s, episode guides, song lists, character and actor profiles, wallpapers and screensavers.
Detailed article covering the programme's production, music, storyline and trivia.
Cast and crew listings, episode and filming details, quotes and trivia.
Last update:
June 5, 2016 at 1:54:07 UTC
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