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In the late 1990s and early 2000s the regulation and accounting of pensions in the UK changed, the effect of the Minimum Funding Requirement (MFR) being softened and FRS17 being introduced. This has had a major effect on the sterling-denominated interest-rate markets. Please submit sites about pension regulation in the UK, including sites about MFR, FRS17, and official consultations about changes in regulation. Also submit sites about the effect of the preceding on the sterling-denominated interest-rate markets.
More information
Full text of the Act that currently governs UK financial market regulation.
The Faculty of Actuaries in Edinburgh and the Institute of Actuaries in London and Oxford are the two professional bodies for actuaries in the United Kingdom.
A professional accountancy body, operating under a Royal Charter. Career information, news, articles on issues involving accounting.
Statutory Instrument 1996 No. 944. Now incorporated into FSA Handbook.
Amends the Insurance Companies Regulations 1994. Now incorporated into FSA Handbook.
Further amending the Insurance Companies Regulations 1994. Now incorporated into FSA Handbook.
Includes parts IV (Margins of Solvency) and IX (Determination of Liabilities). Now incorporated into FSA Handbook.
Full text of the regulations governing the winding up of UK pension schemes under the 1995 Pensions Act in the case of a deficiency of assets over liabilities.
Full text of the regulations restricting investments by pension schemes in the sponsoring company under the 1995 Pensions Act.
Full text of the regulations governing the Minimum Funding Requirement under the 1995 Pensions Act.
Full text of the regulations governing the winding up of UK pension schemes under the 1995 Pensions Act.
Official text of the Act of Parliament which created the Minimum Funding Requirement and equalised the retirement ages of men and women. Full text (in HTML) divided by Sections and Subsections, as well as details of the bound copy including online purchase.
Supervises the pension industry and employers who administer pension schemes.
The directors "shall apportion the amount of such declared surplus by way of bonus among the holders of the participating policies on such principles, and by such methods, as they may from time to time determine." But what does that mean? (July 20, 2000)
Statutory Instrument 1997 No. 1612, para 77, about actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of Local Government Pension Schemes. (July 31, 1997)
The Faculty of Actuaries in Edinburgh and the Institute of Actuaries in London and Oxford are the two professional bodies for actuaries in the United Kingdom.
Full text of the regulations governing the winding up of UK pension schemes under the 1995 Pensions Act in the case of a deficiency of assets over liabilities.
Includes parts IV (Margins of Solvency) and IX (Determination of Liabilities). Now incorporated into FSA Handbook.
Full text of the regulations governing the Minimum Funding Requirement under the 1995 Pensions Act.
Full text of the regulations governing the winding up of UK pension schemes under the 1995 Pensions Act.
Further amending the Insurance Companies Regulations 1994. Now incorporated into FSA Handbook.
Full text of the regulations restricting investments by pension schemes in the sponsoring company under the 1995 Pensions Act.
Official text of the Act of Parliament which created the Minimum Funding Requirement and equalised the retirement ages of men and women. Full text (in HTML) divided by Sections and Subsections, as well as details of the bound copy including online purchase.
Amends the Insurance Companies Regulations 1994. Now incorporated into FSA Handbook.
Full text of the Act that currently governs UK financial market regulation.
Statutory Instrument 1996 No. 944. Now incorporated into FSA Handbook.
A professional accountancy body, operating under a Royal Charter. Career information, news, articles on issues involving accounting.
Supervises the pension industry and employers who administer pension schemes.
The directors "shall apportion the amount of such declared surplus by way of bonus among the holders of the participating policies on such principles, and by such methods, as they may from time to time determine." But what does that mean? (July 20, 2000)
Statutory Instrument 1997 No. 1612, para 77, about actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of Local Government Pension Schemes. (July 31, 1997)
Last update:
July 16, 2023 at 14:54:28 UTC
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