This category is for websites that are related exclusively to business and economic activities with an address in the area, including individual businesses and institutions and professional bodies. Businesses which also have branches in other localities should be submitted a category which includes all of those localities, for example Devon. Businesses related to travel and tourism, including accommodation, should be submitted to the Travel and Tourism category.
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Related categories 1
Sites 7
Offer financial advice to both private and corporate clients.
Personal computer services for home and small business users. Facilities include the supply of new and used computers, software development and website management.
Specialises in producing high precision machinery components, mainly for use in the aerospace, defence, medical and telecommunication industries.
Makers of organic Beany burgers and Soysage, a breakfast soy sausage.
A collection of rooms and space for hire for many different events including weddings, conferences and private functions. Contact details and a location map.
Music therapy instruments for musical and sound healing. Includes prices and current stock list.
Makers of handmade frozen desserts and gateaux. Includes profile, product catalogue and contacts.
Makers of handmade frozen desserts and gateaux. Includes profile, product catalogue and contacts.
Offer financial advice to both private and corporate clients.
Makers of organic Beany burgers and Soysage, a breakfast soy sausage.
Personal computer services for home and small business users. Facilities include the supply of new and used computers, software development and website management.
Specialises in producing high precision machinery components, mainly for use in the aerospace, defence, medical and telecommunication industries.
Music therapy instruments for musical and sound healing. Includes prices and current stock list.
A collection of rooms and space for hire for many different events including weddings, conferences and private functions. Contact details and a location map.

Last update:
September 2, 2019 at 6:05:04 UTC

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Regional: North America: United States: North Dakota: Localities: A: Ashley: Business and Economy
- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel