This category includes sites about hobbies, sports and participatory recreational activities specific to the region; including local recreation organisations, services, facilities and events. Businesses selling sporting or recreational goods are listed within Business_and_Economy/Shopping.
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Subcategories 5
Related categories 2
Sites 8
Information about membership, training and practice sessions, meetings, and news.
Information about the hobby, membership of the club and their activiities and meetings. Also offer training.
Details of membership, meetings, annual show; pictures and information about club activities and projects. Articles on fish-keeping.
Introduction to the club and its road-running, fell and cross-country activities. Details of training, membership and contact.
Organise annual open dog shows, and ringcraft training; information about events, membership, and contacts.
Information about teams, fixtures, results, match reports, and club news.
Promotes dinghy sailing; information about training, venue, club history, events, and membership.
The gardening blog of a novice allotmenteer.
Introduction to the club and its road-running, fell and cross-country activities. Details of training, membership and contact.
Information about the hobby, membership of the club and their activiities and meetings. Also offer training.
Information about teams, fixtures, results, match reports, and club news.
Information about membership, training and practice sessions, meetings, and news.
Organise annual open dog shows, and ringcraft training; information about events, membership, and contacts.
The gardening blog of a novice allotmenteer.
Details of membership, meetings, annual show; pictures and information about club activities and projects. Articles on fish-keeping.
Promotes dinghy sailing; information about training, venue, club history, events, and membership.

Last update:
October 1, 2018 at 6:35:08 UTC

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Regional: North America: United States: North Dakota: Localities: M: Minot: Business and Economy
- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel