This category is for websites specifically about UK government equal opportunities legislation.
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Details for disabled persons transport, including timeline for changes.
Disability supplementary provision, includes criteria for determination of disability and time line for changes.
Information on the Act of Parliament, with guide for public sector, legal profession and the public, on matters such as including age discrimination and duties in the work place.
Article updated by the public, about the UK Parliament law to enact the four major EU Equal Treatment Directives, and update previous Acts. Includes background summary, debate, references and links to related articles.
UK Parliament Act to protect the interests of minority groups and reduce socio-economic inequalities; to reform and harmonise equality law, and restate the greater part of previous legislation on Sex, Racial and Disability legislation.
(February 27, 2013)
Details for disabled persons transport, including timeline for changes.
Disability supplementary provision, includes criteria for determination of disability and time line for changes.
Information on the Act of Parliament, with guide for public sector, legal profession and the public, on matters such as including age discrimination and duties in the work place.
Article updated by the public, about the UK Parliament law to enact the four major EU Equal Treatment Directives, and update previous Acts. Includes background summary, debate, references and links to related articles.
UK Parliament Act to protect the interests of minority groups and reduce socio-economic inequalities; to reform and harmonise equality law, and restate the greater part of previous legislation on Sex, Racial and Disability legislation.
(February 27, 2013)

Last update:
July 31, 2019 at 13:24:59 UTC

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Arts: Music: Instruments: Percussion: Mallet Percussion: Vibraphone: Vibraphonists: Ayers, Roy
- Recently edited by lisagirl
- Recently edited by lisagirl