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For "alternative" medicine, as opposed to mainstream complementary therapies. For sites promoting practices which do not already have their own sub-categories under Complementary and Alternative.
More information
Holistic therapist on the Powys/Shropsire borders providing crystal healing, radiesthetics, colour therapy, radionics, sacred geometry and sonic therapy.
Peter Afford offers questions and answers about this approach, details of teachers and activities, and links to the global Focusing community.
Detailed explanation of light touch therapy and information about training and treatments.
[Finchley, London] Practitioner describes in detail the treatments offered including Bowen technique, vibromuscular harmonisation technique, electro-crystal therapy, oxygen / ozone therapy, the rife machine, remedial massage and nutrition.
Information about personal transformation technique including practitioners and courses.
[Bristol] Details of services including tarot readings, life mentor coaching, astrology, crystals and feng shui. Relationships, feelings and love insight by psychic clairvoyant.
Information about treatment for emotional and psychological problems and approved practitioners based in the UK and Ireland.
Information about healer dowsing, and online purchase of contraption to aid homeopathic prescribing.
Information about healer dowsing, and online purchase of contraption to aid homeopathic prescribing.
Holistic therapist on the Powys/Shropsire borders providing crystal healing, radiesthetics, colour therapy, radionics, sacred geometry and sonic therapy.
Information about personal transformation technique including practitioners and courses.
[Finchley, London] Practitioner describes in detail the treatments offered including Bowen technique, vibromuscular harmonisation technique, electro-crystal therapy, oxygen / ozone therapy, the rife machine, remedial massage and nutrition.
[Bristol] Details of services including tarot readings, life mentor coaching, astrology, crystals and feng shui. Relationships, feelings and love insight by psychic clairvoyant.
Peter Afford offers questions and answers about this approach, details of teachers and activities, and links to the global Focusing community.
Information about treatment for emotional and psychological problems and approved practitioners based in the UK and Ireland.
Detailed explanation of light touch therapy and information about training and treatments.
Last update:
August 16, 2019 at 1:34:44 UTC
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