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Federations, associations, clubs and organisations for amateur radios in the United Kingdom.
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Club and membership, plus meeting information, club news, local repeater frequencies and photos.
Membership and general information about BRARS and FIRAC. Links to other amateur radio sites.
Group contact information, details of licence courses offered, club news.
Club contact details, photo galleries, club forum.
Provides and is responsible for maintaining many of the repeaters operating in West, South-West, Central and East Scotland. Includes list and details of repeaters, links and how to join.
Meets on the first Tuesday of each month providing Amateur Radio Training Courses in Essex.
Club news and membership information, DX events, news, photos and links.
an active and successful radio club operating in East Lothian and drawing members from all over Scotland and the rest of the UK.
Features the club history, member list, activity record, and programme of events.
Based in Essex, England, and presents club contact information, photos and links.
Detailed club history, photo album and contact details.
Offers club information including location, meeting topics, programs, training and current club activities including special events.
Information and news concerning the organisation's boot sales.
Online community for Radio Amateurs in and around Essex. Events calendar, local news and clubs, getting started guides.
Details of club projects, forthcoming talks, plus photos of club activities.
Contact info, news and committee details.
Manchester wireless society the only radio amateur club in the city of Manchester England. Meets every Tuesday night for lectures, Free rae course novice course and cw tuition.
Lincolnshire, UK radio amateurs resource includes DX-pedition schedules and results, photo gallery, club and membership information.
Includes history, QSL bureau details, DXCC prefix list and application form.
UK-based member resources, including club and membership information, news, classifieds, forum, net schedules, and links.
News, activities and events for local amateur radio club in Harlow, Essex, England.
Monthly meets at the Taplin Centre in St. Leonards. RSGB trainers available for all levels of license.
Photos, news archive and members area. Club contact information and training course details.
Club news, training, picture gallery and program of events.
Edinburgh, Scotland based club offers complete information, contest and QSL contacts and links.
UK's most Easterly Radio Club, located on the Sunrise Coast of East Anglia just 90 miles from the Dutch Coast, which in certain conditions local UHF and VHF repeaters are accessed by Dutch Stations and vice versa.
Licence course details, numerous photo albums, meeting times and links section.
Official web site of the Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society, featuring club news, a forum, and unique information about their historic Bletchley Park station GB2BP.
Club gallery, contact information and details of licence training courses offered.
A club for people in and around Newbury, Berkshire, who are interested in the hobby. Includes a newsletter, events diary and links.
Society located in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. Details on membership, QSL cards and links.
Club call sign G5LO. Includes a newsletter, diary, members list and club history.
Club constitution, details of radio rooms, QSL and membership information. Details of the Marconi Centre sharing the historic club site.
Radio club and special event radio station. Includes news, information and links.
Contains details of weekly meets, activities, history, local repeaters and beacons and licensing information and help.
Club and membership information, licensing courses, photos and links.
Founded in 2012 in Torbay, Devon, England. Site offers details on club activities, membership, events calendar and contact information.
Information on the group, membership details, contest information, a newsletter and related resources.
Event details and awards, group operating frequencies, contact details and joining information.
Based in Ruardean, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. Includes club details, news, photos, logs and contact information.
NE London amateur resource offers membership information, news and events, and links.
Presents club and membership information, events schedules, and links.
Resource includes club news and contact information, amateur radio articles, news, circuits and designs, and links.
News, activities and events for the amateur radio club of Stevenage, Herts, England.
News, contact details, members list and a forum.
Incorporating OldSwinford School Radio Club, provides information on meetings and events.
Location details, programme and archive of events, links, contest news and a photo gallery.
The club offers a warm welcome to those interested in the use of radio technology as a hobby.
The official site of G4ATH in Lancashire (established 1969). Weekly meetings, examination for radio licences, and contests.
Club news, history and photo gallery. Includes details about their annual Northern Cross Radio Rally in Yorkshire.
Club events, projects, news section and club forum.
Includes club information, photographs, news, activities and details of past events, contest results, and newsletter archive.
The club offers a warm welcome to those interested in the use of radio technology as a hobby.
Monthly meets at the Taplin Centre in St. Leonards. RSGB trainers available for all levels of license.
UK's most Easterly Radio Club, located on the Sunrise Coast of East Anglia just 90 miles from the Dutch Coast, which in certain conditions local UHF and VHF repeaters are accessed by Dutch Stations and vice versa.
Resource includes club news and contact information, amateur radio articles, news, circuits and designs, and links.
Lincolnshire, UK radio amateurs resource includes DX-pedition schedules and results, photo gallery, club and membership information.
Club and membership information, licensing courses, photos and links.
News, activities and events for local amateur radio club in Harlow, Essex, England.
Club contact details, photo galleries, club forum.
Offers club information including location, meeting topics, programs, training and current club activities including special events.
Group contact information, details of licence courses offered, club news.
Club gallery, contact information and details of licence training courses offered.
Club news, training, picture gallery and program of events.
Club and membership, plus meeting information, club news, local repeater frequencies and photos.
Location details, programme and archive of events, links, contest news and a photo gallery.
News, activities and events for the amateur radio club of Stevenage, Herts, England.
The official site of G4ATH in Lancashire (established 1969). Weekly meetings, examination for radio licences, and contests.
UK-based member resources, including club and membership information, news, classifieds, forum, net schedules, and links.
Membership and general information about BRARS and FIRAC. Links to other amateur radio sites.
Club news, history and photo gallery. Includes details about their annual Northern Cross Radio Rally in Yorkshire.
Based in Ruardean, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. Includes club details, news, photos, logs and contact information.
Club call sign G5LO. Includes a newsletter, diary, members list and club history.
Features the club history, member list, activity record, and programme of events.
Online community for Radio Amateurs in and around Essex. Events calendar, local news and clubs, getting started guides.
Includes history, QSL bureau details, DXCC prefix list and application form.
NE London amateur resource offers membership information, news and events, and links.
Edinburgh, Scotland based club offers complete information, contest and QSL contacts and links.
Founded in 2012 in Torbay, Devon, England. Site offers details on club activities, membership, events calendar and contact information.
Provides and is responsible for maintaining many of the repeaters operating in West, South-West, Central and East Scotland. Includes list and details of repeaters, links and how to join.
Manchester wireless society the only radio amateur club in the city of Manchester England. Meets every Tuesday night for lectures, Free rae course novice course and cw tuition.
Event details and awards, group operating frequencies, contact details and joining information.
Information on the group, membership details, contest information, a newsletter and related resources.
Licence course details, numerous photo albums, meeting times and links section.
Club constitution, details of radio rooms, QSL and membership information. Details of the Marconi Centre sharing the historic club site.
Club events, projects, news section and club forum.
Photos, news archive and members area. Club contact information and training course details.
Contact info, news and committee details.
Detailed club history, photo album and contact details.
Official web site of the Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society, featuring club news, a forum, and unique information about their historic Bletchley Park station GB2BP.
Contains details of weekly meets, activities, history, local repeaters and beacons and licensing information and help.
an active and successful radio club operating in East Lothian and drawing members from all over Scotland and the rest of the UK.
Radio club and special event radio station. Includes news, information and links.
Includes club information, photographs, news, activities and details of past events, contest results, and newsletter archive.
Meets on the first Tuesday of each month providing Amateur Radio Training Courses in Essex.
Society located in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. Details on membership, QSL cards and links.
Information and news concerning the organisation's boot sales.
A club for people in and around Newbury, Berkshire, who are interested in the hobby. Includes a newsletter, events diary and links.
News, contact details, members list and a forum.
Based in Essex, England, and presents club contact information, photos and links.
Details of club projects, forthcoming talks, plus photos of club activities.
Incorporating OldSwinford School Radio Club, provides information on meetings and events.
Presents club and membership information, events schedules, and links.
Club news and membership information, DX events, news, photos and links.
Last update:
October 7, 2023 at 16:08:33 UTC
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