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Organisers of selling events, fairs and exhibitions for UK-based makers and designers.
Craft fairs with handmade goods exhibited by the craftspeople themselves. Country shows with live demonstrations and shopping mall craft promotions.
Craft and design shows organised by craft makers, bringing together designers, artist and craftsmen from across the UK.
Crafts event held annually at Hatfield House in Hertfordshire.
Venues, skills and craftspeople attending their shows plus diary and location information.
Venues, skills and craftspeople attending their shows plus diary and location information.
Craft fairs with handmade goods exhibited by the craftspeople themselves. Country shows with live demonstrations and shopping mall craft promotions.
Crafts event held annually at Hatfield House in Hertfordshire.
Organisers of selling events, fairs and exhibitions for UK-based makers and designers.
Craft and design shows organised by craft makers, bringing together designers, artist and craftsmen from across the UK.
Last update:
August 4, 2021 at 16:11:44 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel