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This category is for geographical websites devoted to inland streams and rivers, down to their estuaries to the British coast.
ie. for non-tidal rivers, or those that do not have an Estuary category under  Marine.

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Providing views of UK rivers at bridges throughout the UK waterways network. Presents map linking locations, with images updated at 10 second intervals, instructions for additional cameras, FAQ, terms and contact form.
Provodes the latest estimates of river levels, in conjunction with marine tides, regularly monitoring by this network.
Snapshot locations where flow is above normal and riseing, flood Warning summary and five day flooding risk forecast.
Guide from its source in North Yorkshire, to the sea at Lytham in Lancashire. INcludes photographs of points along the way, linked to maps.
Forum for reporting conditions primariuly for water sports, for each UK country, with FAQ and reports from Europe and other continents.
Group encouraging involvement in projects and campaigns to protect and conserve biodiversity of local water habitats throughout the UK and Ireland. Includes educational resources, suggested walks, RSS feed and social media link.
Report to coincide with World Fish Migration Day, on the opening over the last four years of obstruction to migrating salmon in England’s rivers. (May 21, 2016)
Snapshot locations where flow is above normal and riseing, flood Warning summary and five day flooding risk forecast.
Provodes the latest estimates of river levels, in conjunction with marine tides, regularly monitoring by this network.
Forum for reporting conditions primariuly for water sports, for each UK country, with FAQ and reports from Europe and other continents.
Guide from its source in North Yorkshire, to the sea at Lytham in Lancashire. INcludes photographs of points along the way, linked to maps.
Providing views of UK rivers at bridges throughout the UK waterways network. Presents map linking locations, with images updated at 10 second intervals, instructions for additional cameras, FAQ, terms and contact form.
Group encouraging involvement in projects and campaigns to protect and conserve biodiversity of local water habitats throughout the UK and Ireland. Includes educational resources, suggested walks, RSS feed and social media link.
Report to coincide with World Fish Migration Day, on the opening over the last four years of obstruction to migrating salmon in England’s rivers. (May 21, 2016)
Last update:
July 28, 2023 at 19:17:44 UTC
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