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This category contains Iranian political parties, whether based inside or outside Iran.
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News articles and a party magazine, Iranian Outlook.
Historical background, party documents and press releases.
Iranian environment political group supporting democracy and human rights for Iran. Farsi and English news regarding Iran's nature, environment and current affairs.
Statements and publications by a Marxist-Leninist organisation that strives for a socialist Soviet-style state of workers in Iran.
News articles and history. [English, Farsi, French, German]
Party against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Working for democracy in Iran,
Exiled opposition group and member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Their Islamic ideology is based on democracy, popular will, tolerance and moderation.
Communist organization that publishes the monthly magazine, Iran Today.
Exiled Iranian Marxist party committed to a social revolution of the working class.
Exiled opposition group and member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Their Islamic ideology is based on democracy, popular will, tolerance and moderation.
Historical background, party documents and press releases.
Exiled Iranian Marxist party committed to a social revolution of the working class.
Iranian environment political group supporting democracy and human rights for Iran. Farsi and English news regarding Iran's nature, environment and current affairs.
Party against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Working for democracy in Iran,
News articles and history. [English, Farsi, French, German]
News articles and a party magazine, Iranian Outlook.
Communist organization that publishes the monthly magazine, Iran Today.
Statements and publications by a Marxist-Leninist organisation that strives for a socialist Soviet-style state of workers in Iran.

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Last update:
January 8, 2022 at 7:15:11 UTC
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