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This category is for sites related to real estate in St. John's, including agent sites, developers, and agencies. Note that MLS is an approved abbreviation in this category. It stands for Multiple Listing Service.
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Find property listings, information for buyers and sellers, and those moving to the region.
Provides a realtor profile, and property listings. RE/MAX.
Links to related sites, property listings, and sub-divisions.
Residential property listings. Offers MLS search, real estate reports, testimonials, profile and contacts.
Residential listings, 360-degree virtual tours, tools and news for buyers and sellers.
Offers listings, links, and tools for home buyers and sellers.
Owners and managers of office buildings, shopping centres, and hotels throughout Atlantic Canada. Details of properties, news, career information, and maintenance details. Based in St. John's.
Information for buyers and sellers. Details listings and tips to keep in mind when buying or selling a home.
Real Estate listings and virtual tours for the region, as well as information and links.
Residential real estate agent.
Details about the agent and his team, listings, and tips for both home buyers and sellers.
View listings, new home plans, mortgage options, and special offers regarding real estate listings from this company.
Home evaluations, listings, and information for buyers and sellers.
View area prices, newsletters, listings, and tips for buyers and sellers.
View listings, real estate advice and local information. Marcella has assisted in the buying and selling of many residential and commercial properties.
A company involved in commercial investment, real estate asset management, sales, leasing and consultancy. Includes details about properties, the management team, and selling program. [Requires Flash]
Consists of moving information, internet links, and listings.
A real estate professional for over 15 years. Provides details of sub-divisions, current listings, and links to related web sites.
Information about new home construction in the Grand Meadows and Adams Pond subdivisions as well as listings of properties for sale.
Professional services for residential and commercial buyers and sellers. Find the listings and detailed information about the service area as well as points of interest.
Residential property listings. Offers MLS search, real estate reports, testimonials, profile and contacts.
Provides a realtor profile, and property listings. RE/MAX.
Details about the agent and his team, listings, and tips for both home buyers and sellers.
Links to related sites, property listings, and sub-divisions.
Consists of moving information, internet links, and listings.
Residential listings, 360-degree virtual tours, tools and news for buyers and sellers.
Residential real estate agent.
Owners and managers of office buildings, shopping centres, and hotels throughout Atlantic Canada. Details of properties, news, career information, and maintenance details. Based in St. John's.
Professional services for residential and commercial buyers and sellers. Find the listings and detailed information about the service area as well as points of interest.
Information about new home construction in the Grand Meadows and Adams Pond subdivisions as well as listings of properties for sale.
Find property listings, information for buyers and sellers, and those moving to the region.
Home evaluations, listings, and information for buyers and sellers.
Real Estate listings and virtual tours for the region, as well as information and links.
A company involved in commercial investment, real estate asset management, sales, leasing and consultancy. Includes details about properties, the management team, and selling program. [Requires Flash]
View area prices, newsletters, listings, and tips for buyers and sellers.
View listings, new home plans, mortgage options, and special offers regarding real estate listings from this company.
Offers listings, links, and tools for home buyers and sellers.
Information for buyers and sellers. Details listings and tips to keep in mind when buying or selling a home.
View listings, real estate advice and local information. Marcella has assisted in the buying and selling of many residential and commercial properties.
A real estate professional for over 15 years. Provides details of sub-divisions, current listings, and links to related web sites.
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