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Amazing Grace Baptist Church
Includes upcoming events, autobiography of pastor, plan of salvation, statement of faith, audio sermons, times of service and contacts.
Annapolis County GenWeb Project
A part of the Nova Scotia and Canada GenWeb Projects. Cemetery listings, census transcriptions, and other genealogical resources.
Listed in: CountiesAnnapolis
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Annapolis Valley
A support and mentoring organization for children. Programs, sponsorship, events, news, volunteering and resources.
Listed in: CountiesAnnapolis
Digby County Genweb
Genealogy for Digby County, containing obituaries, census, births, marriages, deaths, links, and a place to meet other Digby County researchers.
Listed in: CountiesDigby
Digby Wesleyan Church
The church offers information on services, hours, pastors, history, life groups and youth programs. Gives contact details and links.
Listed in: LocalitiesDDigby
Fort Anne National Historic Site
The site marks the location of Port Royal the "capital" of Acadia. A museum displays the history of the fort, plus location, hours of operation, online tour, services and fees.
International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres
The association exchanges information between training centres and those interested in training. Features information on standards, cooperation, executive committee, reports and articles of association.
Jerome of Sandy Cove
The story of a mysterious amputee found on the shore of Sandy Cove on September 8, 1863.
Melanson Settlement National Historic Site
An archeological exposition of a pre-Deportation Acadian community (c. 1664-1755) which reflects communities settled by the Acadians and their unique dykeland agriculture along the Annapolis River. Directions, services and news.
Port-Royal National Historic Site
A reconstruction of early 17th century buildings representing the former colony of the French who settled along the Nova Scotia coast. Costumed interpreters and period demonstrations help recreate the look and feel of the era. Directions, hours, fees and contact details.
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