Information on the business of farming, animal husbandry and growing plants for human consumption, ornament, fiber or construction material.
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Includes a list of all major, district, associate, 4-H and local fairs throughout the state.
Conducts marketing research beneficial to the apple industry in the state, as well as a publicity program to maintain and enhance existing apple markets, and create new markets.
Organized to encourage the development of the Christmas tree industry in Connecticut.
Nonprofit, membership organization which promotes and preserves agriculture business in the state.
Clearinghouse for the transition between generations of farmers with the goal of keeping farmland in production.
Agricultural membership organization provides its history and information on services, membership benefits, Camp Berger, credit union and links to subordinate granges throughout the state.
Quarterly magazine with stories and photography that promotes the local bounty, and build ties between farmers, fishers and the rest of the community.
Searchable index of farmers in Connecticut who received subsidies for agricultural activities.
Includes a calendar of events, membership information, and a list of farms.
Clearinghouse for the transition between generations of farmers with the goal of keeping farmland in production.
Conducts marketing research beneficial to the apple industry in the state, as well as a publicity program to maintain and enhance existing apple markets, and create new markets.
Searchable index of farmers in Connecticut who received subsidies for agricultural activities.
Includes a list of all major, district, associate, 4-H and local fairs throughout the state.
Quarterly magazine with stories and photography that promotes the local bounty, and build ties between farmers, fishers and the rest of the community.
Organized to encourage the development of the Christmas tree industry in Connecticut.
Includes a calendar of events, membership information, and a list of farms.
Nonprofit, membership organization which promotes and preserves agriculture business in the state.
Agricultural membership organization provides its history and information on services, membership benefits, Camp Berger, credit union and links to subordinate granges throughout the state.
Last update:
January 27, 2024 at 6:45:07 UTC
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- Recently edited by merlin1