Windsor Locks [Hartford County] Connecticut was named in 1833 from the canal locks located there. It was incorporated from Windsor in May, 1854 and formerly called Enfield Falls.
Home of Bradley International Airport.
Area, 9.4 sq. miles. Population, est., 11,944. Voting districts, 2. Principal industries, food servicing and distribution, manufacture of aerospace products, paper products, electronics and machines.
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Sites 4
Includes details of airplanes on exhibit, hours, admission, events, educational programs, volunteer opportunities and links. Located at Bradley International Airport.
Department overview and information on apparatus, services and special programs.
Events, history, department overview and related links.
Home page allows patrons direct access to online catalog, library information, calendar of events, programs, kids' page, and printable forms.
Includes details of airplanes on exhibit, hours, admission, events, educational programs, volunteer opportunities and links. Located at Bradley International Airport.
Events, history, department overview and related links.
Department overview and information on apparatus, services and special programs.
Home page allows patrons direct access to online catalog, library information, calendar of events, programs, kids' page, and printable forms.
Last update:
October 3, 2022 at 5:15:13 UTC
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Regional: North America: Canada: Alberta: Society and Culture: Ethnicity: Indigenous
- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon