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Conference center equipped with a large gym, meeting rooms, dormitory rooms, commercial kitchen, and buffet serving line.Offers overview, programs, retreat/rentals and missions.
A non-profit organization for carvers with information on the meetings, library, membership and the annual picnic.
Offers a wide range of banking services.
Information on Converse Elementary, Sweetser Elementary, Swayzee Elementary, Oak Hill Junior High, and Oak Hill High School.
Local weather information. As reported at Grissom AFB, IN
Conference center equipped with a large gym, meeting rooms, dormitory rooms, commercial kitchen, and buffet serving line.Offers overview, programs, retreat/rentals and missions.
Local weather information. As reported at Grissom AFB, IN
Information on Converse Elementary, Sweetser Elementary, Swayzee Elementary, Oak Hill Junior High, and Oak Hill High School.
Offers a wide range of banking services.
A non-profit organization for carvers with information on the meetings, library, membership and the annual picnic.

Last update:
June 25, 2018 at 2:25:27 UTC

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Arts: Literature: World Literature: Canadian: Children's: Authors
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- Recently edited by merlin1