Subcategories 1
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Sites 12
Promotes and supports the development of one-to-one mentoring programs for children and youth. Includes events, information about programs and volunteer opportunities, FAQs, office hours and directions.
Provides basic emotional and material support to individuals. Includes services and programs, volunteerism and donations. Located in Iowa City.
Provides a directory of current voting members of the Central Committee, a calendar and events. Located in Coralville.
Iowa Green Party and GPUS affiliate's candidates, activities, contact information, history, and positions on local and state issues.
Private, non-profit group providing education, preservation and interpretation of the historical and cultural heritage of the county. Includes information about memberships and programs. Located in Coralville.
Local chapter encourages informed and active participation in government, influencing public policy through education and advocacy of local, Iowa and national issues.
Provides a listing of properties, districts, and landmarks in the county. Includes architectural style and period of significance.
Dedicated to building a better future for people in neighborhoods through programs and activities that educate, strengthen families and create a sense of community. Includes information about centers and calendar of events.
Lists politicians who were born in the county, or lived or died there. Includes cemetery information.
Nonprofit organization working with local government entities and community leaders and groups to help needy people. Includes information about partner agencies, services available, news and events, volunteer opportunities and donations. Located in Coralville.
Provides population, demographic, and housing information.
Encyclopedia article covers geography, demographics and links to localities. With maps.
Promotes and supports the development of one-to-one mentoring programs for children and youth. Includes events, information about programs and volunteer opportunities, FAQs, office hours and directions.
Private, non-profit group providing education, preservation and interpretation of the historical and cultural heritage of the county. Includes information about memberships and programs. Located in Coralville.
Provides basic emotional and material support to individuals. Includes services and programs, volunteerism and donations. Located in Iowa City.
Provides population, demographic, and housing information.
Local chapter encourages informed and active participation in government, influencing public policy through education and advocacy of local, Iowa and national issues.
Provides a listing of properties, districts, and landmarks in the county. Includes architectural style and period of significance.
Nonprofit organization working with local government entities and community leaders and groups to help needy people. Includes information about partner agencies, services available, news and events, volunteer opportunities and donations. Located in Coralville.
Encyclopedia article covers geography, demographics and links to localities. With maps.
Dedicated to building a better future for people in neighborhoods through programs and activities that educate, strengthen families and create a sense of community. Includes information about centers and calendar of events.
Iowa Green Party and GPUS affiliate's candidates, activities, contact information, history, and positions on local and state issues.
Provides a directory of current voting members of the Central Committee, a calendar and events. Located in Coralville.
Lists politicians who were born in the county, or lived or died there. Includes cemetery information.
Last update:
January 12, 2025 at 14:39:12 UTC
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Society: Philosophy: Philosophers: B: Boethius: Works
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