My Account
Address and telephone contacts available with links to resources and reference material.
Staff, hours, library events, best sellers and directions.
Resource sharing of services: reservations, hours, reference and book club information.
Event schedules, searchable catalog, and resource links.
Offers a reference desk, resource links, and reading lists.
Library hours, directions, services, programs, general information, and online catalog.
Guide to checkout policies, adult and children programs, literacy events, and hours.
Upcoming events, special programs, catalog, and programs.
Hours, policies, searchable catalog, and event schedules.
Contact information for public library, services, children's services, directions, history, and hours.
Staff directories, policies, reference information, and library history.
Details on book loans, reference material, and online databases.
Resources, hours and location.
Includes online library catalogue, suggested reading lists, bookmobile and branch hours, history and storytime schedule.
Main library of Cherry Hill, containing a vast collection of books and electronic reference materials.
Location, hours, and searchable database of books and reference material.
Offers details of programs for children, hours, directions, policies, and board meeting schedules.
Offers policies, searchable catalog, news, and business hours.
Provides library hours, directions, telnet connection to catalog, information on children's and adult program, and lending policies.
Online catalog, business hours, and employment opportunities.
Directions, hours, and events. Access the library's online catalog to check book/media availability.
Totowa library offering a catalog, hours, directions, and event calendars.
General information and online database services.
Provides a searchable catalog, information on educational programs, and volunteering details.
Library hours and location, online catalog access, and community information.
Searchable catalog, resource links, and reading lists for children.
Online catalog, hours, directions, news, and event schedules.
Hours, policies, newsletters, and links.
Directions and hours of operation.
Hours, policies, board members, and reference links.
Includes board lists, directions, and FAQs.
Library policies, hours, directions, history, and details of children's programs.
General information and directions.
Calendars, business hours, and contact information.
Hours of operation, policies, descriptions of reference collection, procedures for modem access to periodical databases and telnet access to catalog.
Policies, event schedules, and volunteering information.
Allendale library offering business hours, details of 'Movie Night', and resource links.
Library hours, card details, reference links, and a history of the dinosaur pit.
Reference resources, policies, and community links.
Offering news and general information about programs and services.
Hours, directions and research database.
The Margate Public Library serves the community of Margate, NJ.
Mission statement, board roster, and business hours.
Searchable catalogs, databases, and encyclopedias, as well as general library information, are included.
Includes an online catalog of resources and photo gallery of "Family Fun Day," an annual kid-centered event.
Business hours, reference resources, and educational program details.
Homework Helper, online catalog, services, Montvale history, and general library information.
Services, calendar of events, kids and teen pages, and online catalog.
Special services, collections and gallery information are available at this active county library. Patrons can use online newspaper and magazine collections.
General information, news, searchable catalog, and local links.
information about library events, access to our library catalog and electronic information resources.
The central research and information source in Newark, NJ.
Offers hours, policies, volunteering information, and catalogs.
Online catalog and reference databases; information about library programs, services, events, and instruction; internet help; kids' and teens' pages.
Searchable catalog, hours, policies, educational program schedules, and links.
Catalog, staff directory, policies, and program schedules.
Electronic reference desk, policies, program schedules, and links.
Offers information on temporary services while the library is being rebuilt.
Searchable databases, hours, and directions.
Offers business hours and details of educational and cultural programs.
Features reference resources, reading lists, policies, and business hours.
Electronic resources, policies, staff directory, schedules, and links.
Library history, program details, policies, and online catalog.
News, policies, and research databases.
Online catalog, policies, volunteer opportunities, and township information.
Hours, policies, contributor directory, and access to the Bergan County Cooperative Library System catalogs.
Includes board rosters, schedules, and searchable databases.
Event schedules, hours, town history, and access to the Bergen County Cooperative Library system database.
Features a catalog, hours, event schedules, and links.
Provides children's program schedules, policies, and hours.
Policies, hours, activity schedules, and reference services.
Online catalog, plus community and resource links.
Online catalog, internet search tools, young adult resources, children's resources, reference services, and other library information.
Trustee roster, schedules, and a catalog.
Includes hours, directions, catalog search, and details of children's programs.
Online catalog, business hours, event schedules, and policies.
News, policies, event schedules, and searchable catalog.
Hours, policies, directions, catalog, and program schedules.
Seasonal hours, contacts, and searchable database.
Main and Branch hours and directions; services and programs; community links; and online catalog.
News, FAQs, event schedules, and resource links.
Hours, policies, children's program information, and donation details.
Staff directories, policies, reference information, and library history.
Includes an online catalog of resources and photo gallery of "Family Fun Day," an annual kid-centered event.
Upcoming events, special programs, catalog, and programs.
Library history, program details, policies, and online catalog.
Policies, hours, activity schedules, and reference services.
Offers hours, policies, volunteering information, and catalogs.
Provides children's program schedules, policies, and hours.
Online catalog, policies, volunteer opportunities, and township information.
Services, calendar of events, kids and teen pages, and online catalog.
Location, hours, and searchable database of books and reference material.
Homework Helper, online catalog, services, Montvale history, and general library information.
Searchable catalog, resource links, and reading lists for children.
General information and directions.
Hours, policies, contributor directory, and access to the Bergan County Cooperative Library System catalogs.
Main and Branch hours and directions; services and programs; community links; and online catalog.
Offers policies, searchable catalog, news, and business hours.
Event schedules, searchable catalog, and resource links.
Special services, collections and gallery information are available at this active county library. Patrons can use online newspaper and magazine collections.
Address and telephone contacts available with links to resources and reference material.
Trustee roster, schedules, and a catalog.
Staff, hours, library events, best sellers and directions.
Online catalog and reference databases; information about library programs, services, events, and instruction; internet help; kids' and teens' pages.
Includes board rosters, schedules, and searchable databases.
Seasonal hours, contacts, and searchable database.
Mission statement, board roster, and business hours.
Directions and hours of operation.
Library hours, card details, reference links, and a history of the dinosaur pit.
Includes board lists, directions, and FAQs.
Searchable catalogs, databases, and encyclopedias, as well as general library information, are included.
Hours, policies, children's program information, and donation details.
Hours, policies, newsletters, and links.
Offers a reference desk, resource links, and reading lists.
Features a catalog, hours, event schedules, and links.
Main library of Cherry Hill, containing a vast collection of books and electronic reference materials.
Business hours, reference resources, and educational program details.
News, FAQs, event schedules, and resource links.
Hours, policies, searchable catalog, and event schedules.
Allendale library offering business hours, details of 'Movie Night', and resource links.
General information, news, searchable catalog, and local links.
News, policies, event schedules, and searchable catalog.
Electronic reference desk, policies, program schedules, and links.
Offering news and general information about programs and services.
Resources, hours and location.
Includes online library catalogue, suggested reading lists, bookmobile and branch hours, history and storytime schedule.
Library hours, directions, services, programs, general information, and online catalog.
Online catalog, hours, directions, news, and event schedules.
Provides library hours, directions, telnet connection to catalog, information on children's and adult program, and lending policies.
Calendars, business hours, and contact information.
Library policies, hours, directions, history, and details of children's programs.
Contact information for public library, services, children's services, directions, history, and hours.
Hours, policies, board members, and reference links.
Catalog, staff directory, policies, and program schedules.
Features reference resources, reading lists, policies, and business hours.
Resource sharing of services: reservations, hours, reference and book club information.
Totowa library offering a catalog, hours, directions, and event calendars.
information about library events, access to our library catalog and electronic information resources.
Event schedules, hours, town history, and access to the Bergen County Cooperative Library system database.
Includes hours, directions, catalog search, and details of children's programs.
Guide to checkout policies, adult and children programs, literacy events, and hours.
Hours, directions and research database.
Library hours and location, online catalog access, and community information.
Searchable databases, hours, and directions.
Searchable catalog, hours, policies, educational program schedules, and links.
Online catalog, business hours, and employment opportunities.
Policies, event schedules, and volunteering information.
Hours of operation, policies, descriptions of reference collection, procedures for modem access to periodical databases and telnet access to catalog.
General information and online database services.
Directions, hours, and events. Access the library's online catalog to check book/media availability.
Online catalog, internet search tools, young adult resources, children's resources, reference services, and other library information.
The central research and information source in Newark, NJ.
Offers business hours and details of educational and cultural programs.
Details on book loans, reference material, and online databases.
Hours, policies, directions, catalog, and program schedules.
News, policies, and research databases.
Online catalog, plus community and resource links.
The Margate Public Library serves the community of Margate, NJ.
Provides a searchable catalog, information on educational programs, and volunteering details.
Reference resources, policies, and community links.
Online catalog, business hours, event schedules, and policies.
Electronic resources, policies, staff directory, schedules, and links.
Offers information on temporary services while the library is being rebuilt.
Offers details of programs for children, hours, directions, policies, and board meeting schedules.
Last update:
August 25, 2023 at 5:25:04 UTC
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