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List only sites that are relevant to a large area of New York State. Sites in this category are listed by physical location whenever possible not by area of coverage. Example sites that deal with information about a large area of New York State, that is locations in more than one region. If your site is relevant to a single region, county or locality find the proper region, county or locality in New York and list it in the appropriate category or subcategory.
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Official site links to directories, school districts, departments, statistics, news, downloadable forms, alphabetical topic list and search function.
An educational system that enables people to improve their lives and communities through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work. Includes course goals and general information.
State agency that helps people pay for college by administering the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)and guaranteeing student loans.
A nonprofit organization offering services to staff and parents involved in private schools from pre-K through 12th grade. Provides conference information and calendar, directory of schools, articles, and various resources.
Includes ballots, championship results, congress bills, bylaws, and tournament handbook.
Includes calendar of events, detailed information on participating, volunteering, and coaching, news, and by-laws, policies, and procedures.
Financial aid information in downloadable .pdf format.
Official site links to directories, school districts, departments, statistics, news, downloadable forms, alphabetical topic list and search function.
State agency that helps people pay for college by administering the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)and guaranteeing student loans.
Includes ballots, championship results, congress bills, bylaws, and tournament handbook.
An educational system that enables people to improve their lives and communities through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work. Includes course goals and general information.
Financial aid information in downloadable .pdf format.
Includes calendar of events, detailed information on participating, volunteering, and coaching, news, and by-laws, policies, and procedures.
A nonprofit organization offering services to staff and parents involved in private schools from pre-K through 12th grade. Provides conference information and calendar, directory of schools, articles, and various resources.

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Last update:
January 5, 2022 at 7:05:15 UTC
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