It is an interior township situated south of the center of the county, and is
bounded on the north by Little Valley, on the east by Great Valley, on the
south by Red House, and on the west by Cold Spring and Napoli. The surface is
very hilly except the valley of the Allegheny river and the valleys of its
tributaries. The principal stream is the Allegheny, which enters the town about
midway on the east line and flows nearly west about four miles, when it turns
south and flows into Red House. Its principal affluents in this town are Newton
run, Little Valley creek, and Bucktooth and Saw-Mill runs. When lumbering
was a leading business these streams afforded good water-power. Since the
timber has been exhausted their mill-sites have been abandoned. The soil in the
valleys is very fertile, while the hills, where not too rough for cultivation,
produce-paying crops of grass, oats, potatoes, and apples.
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January 7, 2023 at 8:25:07 UTC

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