Policy institutes study a wide range public policy issues and topics; publish position papers; conduct conferences on public policy topics; etc. Their web sites are often good sources of information and opinion on public issues.
Some policy institutes are nonpartisan, particularly if they are associated with universities, but most have a particular point of view. Institutes in this category cover the full range of the political spectrum.
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Subcategories 8
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Sites 123
Promotes a free society informed by religious faith and moral absolutes.
An Ohio based policy institute supporting the voluntary, therefore peaceful, development of a free, beneficent, and prosperous civil society.
A conservative think tank addressing policy issues in the areas of free enterprise, limited government, and strong families.
Pennsylvania-based conservative think tank devoted to local government issues. Recent papers on key issues, information about events and publications, and related links.
America's Future Foundation exists to train the next generation of conservative leaders and winning the hearts and minds of young Americans.
A policy organization dedicated to bringing information to those who make or influence the foreign policy of the United States and to assisting world leaders, particularly in the former USSR and Asia, with building democracies and market economies.
Conservative policy group that believes the free market and private ownership of property is the best method for improving education, employment, goods and services, and protecting the environment.
An education and research organization dedicated to restoring traditional, Judeo-Christian principles to American public policy.
Provides public policy analysis for private, public and government sectors.
A public policy research and community information organization dedicated to citizen education on public issues.
Promotes the concerns of the Arab American community in the U.S. society and abroad.
An academic forum for the study, research and discussion of the principles and practices of American constitutional government and politics at Ashland University. Archive of publications and RealAudio speeches.
Connecting a global network of more than 400 free-market organizations in over 80 countries to the ideas and resources needed to advance the cause of liberty.
BHI is a free-market think tank based in Suffolk University Boston, MA. It studies the public policy areas of state tax policy, privatization, welfare reform, compassion tax credits, regulatory reform and other areas from a market perspective.
A think tank focusing on public policy, church and state, education, law, and history.
Private foundation established by Lynde and Harry Bradley to support individualism, self-government, and free-market causes. Describes publications, staff and directors, grantee showcase, application process, and the Lion House.
Seeking to improve the lives of all Ohioans by promoting free market ideas and limited government.
An educational institution dedicated to the research and propagation of solutions to Maryland state and local public-policy concerns based upon the principles of free markets and personal responsibility.
A policy organization dedicated to research and education at the nexus of ethics and international affairs. Provides speech transcripts, articles, reviews and other materials on a variety of subjects.
A policy organization founded by Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter to fight disease, hunger, poverty, conflict, and oppression around the world.
Oregon based free market think tank.
Liberal think tank offers policy proposals, talking points, events, news and columns. Weekly email newsletter Progress Report.
A research center that seeks to promote democratic debate on important economic and social issues.
CLASP is a policy organization with expertise in both law and policy affecting the poor. It seeks to improve the economic security of low-income families with children and secure access for low-income persons.
Promotes the value of politics and seeks to improve civic education and increase civic participation through research, analysis, and educational programs. Features news, programs, publications and employment opportunities.
Center a John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University that seeks to improve the practice of leadership and citizenship, through research, education and outreach. The Center aims to strengthen the positive effect of those engaged in improving the quality of public life.
Organization dedicated to the research and dissemination of retirement policy issues as well as to widening access to related data sources.
A policy organization promoting international peace through American strength.
A public policy research institution dedicated to analysis and policy impact. It maintains resident experts on all the world's major geographical regions and covers key functional areas, such as international finance, U.S. domestic and economic policy, and U.S. foreign policy and national security issues.
A conservative think tank in Minnesota, focusing in improving education, strengthening free market economy and reducing poverty and crime.
A public policy advocacy organization specializing in federal budget issues from a low-income perspective.
Central Massachusetts based pro-liberty political education organization.
A research foundation that undertakes timely and critical analyses of major economic, political, and social institutions and issues
A public affairs research organization established in 1916 to provide analysis of state and local government organization and finance in Michigan.
Established to prepare young women for effective conservative leadership and to promote school choice opportunities for all K-12 children in America. Information about speakers, anti-feminist resources, and current issues available.
Projects, recent writings, event and publication information, and news releases from the Californian think tank.
A non-profit institution that conducts independent research and analysis to inform the work of public sector decision makers. Profile and research areas.
CED is an organization of business and education leaders dedicated to public policy research.
A free-market public policy organization based in Pennsylvania which promotes the principles of limited government, economic freedom, and individual responsibility.
Publications on the institute's research in free-enterprise, as well as internships.
Seeks to become the premier venue for virtual collaboration in addressing emerging national security affairs and policy renewal.
Encourages the formulation of rational and constructive U.S. policies towards Latin America.
Los Angeles-based center founded by David Horowitz, formerly the Center for the Study of Popular Culture.
A public policy organization working to improve democracy and to foster greater economic opportunity and less disparity.
The institute discovers and promotes ideas in the common sense tradition of representative government, the free market and individual liberty.
A nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank that seeks to broaden the public debate about strategies to achieve a prosperous and fair economy.
A policy center offering programs on community development and family empowerment.
EIC's mission is to lead the entertainment industry in bringing its power and influence to bear on health and social issues.
Vermont’s free-market public policy research and education organization, one of fifty-plus similar but independent state-level, public policy organizations around the country which exchange ideas and information through the State Policy Network.
Seeks to clarify and reinforce the bond between the Judeo-Christian moral tradition and the public debate over domestic and foreign policy issues. Its program includes research, writing, publication, and conferences. Located in Washington, DC.
A research organization committed to improving public policies and private practices that influence the economic and social prospects and conditions of individuals, families, and communities.
The institute aims at bringing both faith and reason to bear on all the issues that confront people. It addresses questions of economics, politics, public policy, science, technology, the environment, and public culture, from perspective of both faith and reason.
Non-profit organization that seeks to educate the public about foreign policy. Sponsor of the Great Decisions program.
Offers online education, a bookstore, and links to its seminars and publishes Ideas on Liberty, a magazine on free markets and individual liberty.
A policy institute advancing individual liberty, free enterprise and responsible government with offices in Washington and Oregon.
Founded in 1995 by Malcolm Wallop, Frontiers seeks to lead the conservative movement against an ever more powerful and intrusive federal government, and to restore and maintain individual rights.
A think tank advancing the libertarian philosophy.
Research and education foundation dedicated to limited government, private enterprise, and individual responsibility. Press releases, publications, current research and initiatives, and related links available.
A conservative research and educational organization advocating public policy founded upon the principles of limited government, economic freedom, and individual responsibility.
A public policy think tank providing detailed study, analysis, investigation and reporting on the impact on the individual citizen by government and its procedures and departments in Hawaii.
News, videos and information including programs, events and meetings, research and publications, political internships and how to get involved.
Promotes the study about the countries of Hispanic America and Hispanic Americans living in the United States, as they relate to the values of personal and economic liberty.
U.S. domestic and foreign policy institute. Includes profiles of scholars, event information, published research and policy center information, and current headlines.
Free-market think tank investigating private and community-based solutions to issues in Colorado and the United States. News, event information, policy center profiles, publications, and searchable archive of papers.
A scholarly research and educational organization which sponsors comprehensive studies on political economy.
A public policy organization devoted to contributing intellectually to the renewal of marriage and family life and the sources of competence, character, and citizenship.
A public policy institute based in Lewisville, Texas. IPI's focus is on approaches to governing that harness the strengths of individual liberty, limited government, and free markets.
Combats poverty, war, corporate globalization, and ecological destruction through research and activist education.
A public policy organization dedicated to researching policy issues of critical importance for women. IWPR's policy areas include poverty and welfare, family and work, health care and domestic violence, and employment.
Founded at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, to identify, scientifically evaluate, and implement through public policy, promising new technologies and programs that offer practical solutions to problems facing the United States.
A US-based public policy organization committed to international education in academic research, professional training and technical assistance.
Iowa PIRG is a public interest organization dedicated to preserving the environment, protecting consumers and holding government accountable to the public interest. Located in Des Moines, Iowa.
A Florida-based public policy research organization dedicated to promoting economic freedom, limited government, federalism, traditional values, the rule of law, and individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility.
A North Carolina based think tank conducting research based on the principles of individual liberty, a free-market economy, and limited government.
A national institution that conducts research on public policy issues of special concern to African Americans.
A think tank group focused on state and local public policy issues that affect the quality of life of New Hampshire's citizens.
Independent research organization examines economic policy issues and strives to transform ideological arguments into informed debate. Includes publications, scholars and programs.
A conservative Pennsylvanian think tank conducting polling, focusing groups, and educating lawmakers, policy makers, media, and the public on key issues and the views of Pennsylvania's citizens on those issues.
501(c)3 organization publishing Ballotpedia. Based in Madison, Wisconsin and founded in 2006.
A policy institute devoted to improving the quality of life for all Michigan citizens by promoting sound solutions to state and local policy questions. Provides reports, commentaries and educational programs.
A research and educational organization which formulates and promotes conservative public policies in the U.S. state of Maine. Includes text of op-eds and links to other New England policy institutes.
The mission of the institute is to develop and disseminate new ideas that foster greater economic choice and individual responsibility.
A social policy research organization dedicated to learning what works to improve the well-being of low-income people.
Public policy research organization based in New Jersey.
Carries out research and education on a variety of issues including consumer, family and home economics, education, peace, citizenship and human rights.
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University is an education, research and outreach organization. The aim of its work is to enable individuals to live free, prosperous, and peaceful lives.
A Muslim libertarian think tank. Advocates free markets and civil liberties for the world of Islam.
An Arizona State University's institute for policy analysis and expertise. The Institute researches public policy issues, informs policy makers and residents, and advises leaders on choices and actions.
A liberal-left public policy organization committed to a just society and the principles of the First Amendment.
A research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works. The NBER is committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community.
A conservative think tank and policy institute covering Congress, insider political information, global warming and the environment, legal reform, Social Security, and campaign reform.
A policy institute associated with the U.S. Democratic Party, working to strengthen and expand democracy worldwide.
The institute provides the supplementary analysis and research necessary to expose the inequities of compulsory unionism.
Non-profit public education organization that focuses on a wide spectrum of rapidly evolving foreign policy and international issues.
A Christian constitutional litigation firm and policy think tank committed to restoring America's Biblical foundations.
Offers citizen and community groups tools and resources to shape federal budget and policy priorities which promote social and economic justice. Includes databases, charts, opportunities for action and a newsletter.
Promotes and provides assistance in applying the social norms approach to various health, safety and social justice issues, including alcohol and tobacco risk-reduction.
A policy-oriented research and consulting organization. Promotes international cooperation for security and ecologically sustainable development. Programs embrace both global and regional issues, with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region.
The institute is the public policy research arm of the State University of New York. It is actively involved in public policy research on the role of state and local governments in American federalism and the management and finances of states and localities in major areas of domestic public affairs.
Conducts research on public policy issues affecting the state and the U.S. FAQs, papers on current research areas, and extensive link list.
Attempts to bring new voices and new ideas to the fore of America's public discourse and seeks to reshape the American public debate by investing in outstanding individuals and ideas that transcend the conventional political spectrum.
A public policy organization that conducts research on public policy issues in New Jersey.
A Silverton, Oregon-based research institute advocating policies and practices that improve the economic and social prospects of low- and moderate income Oregonians.
A leadership forum bringing together "live wires" from around the Pacific Rim to exchange information and analysis on major international trends and policy choices. Based in Los Angeles, CA.
San Francisco-based public policy organization advocating for personal responsibility and individual liberty in national and state issues. Site offers extensive archive of papers and presentations from PRI research centers, as well as event information, publications link, and voter education resources.
A Boston-based public policy research institute advocating individual freedom and responsibility, limited and accountable government, and expanded application of free-market principles.
Monitors and analyzes the organizations, leaders, ideas, and activities of the US political Right.
A public policy institute shaping the Third Way agenda with progressive legislative solutions.
A public policy organization dedicated to research on California's economic, social, and political issues.
A faith-based, social justice center working with people who have few resources for their struggles. Programs, photographs, news and how you can help.
A public policy think tank promoting choice, competition, and a dynamic market economy as the foundation for human dignity and progress.
A New Mexico based free market research and educational organization dedicated to the study of public policy.
An Utah-based public policy research organization supporting limited government, private property rights, and personal responsibility.
Seeks ways to protect the environment without regulation, bureaucracy, or central control.
A Dallas-based public policy organization with interests in education, criminal justice and tax reform.
An institute investigating and analysing U.S. social and economic problems and issues, including the New Federalism, welfare and welfare-to-work, Medicare, and disabilities issues.
Urban Renaissance Institute, a division of Energy Probe Research Foundation, is dedicated to helping cities flourish, both by removing the many impediments to their proper functioning and by improving urban planning.
A research organization committed to the principles of individual liberty, dynamic entrepreneurial capitalism, private property, the rule of law, and constitutionally limited government.
A public educational foundation dedicated to scholarly research and informed debate on U.S. interests in the Middle East.
Research organization at Washington University in St. Louis supports scholarly research, public affairs programs, and other activities in the fields of economics, government, and public policy.
The mission of the institute is to design and develop frameworks, processes, and tools that help individuals and groups build productive interfaces between diverse cultures and to strengthen the cultural formation, quality of life, and social health within the community.
Center for scholarly research on women and politics and political leadership training, part of the School of Public Affairs at American University.
A presidential memorial that fosters scholarship and dialogue in the humanities and the social sciences. The Center pursues work on three interregional, interdisciplinary themes: ethnicity, comparative urban studies, and governance.
A research organization committed to improving public policies and private practices that influence the economic and social prospects and conditions of individuals, families, and communities.
Iowa PIRG is a public interest organization dedicated to preserving the environment, protecting consumers and holding government accountable to the public interest. Located in Des Moines, Iowa.
A New Mexico based free market research and educational organization dedicated to the study of public policy.
A public policy organization dedicated to research on California's economic, social, and political issues.
Vermont’s free-market public policy research and education organization, one of fifty-plus similar but independent state-level, public policy organizations around the country which exchange ideas and information through the State Policy Network.
Promotes and provides assistance in applying the social norms approach to various health, safety and social justice issues, including alcohol and tobacco risk-reduction.
A policy institute advancing individual liberty, free enterprise and responsible government with offices in Washington and Oregon.
A conservative think tank addressing policy issues in the areas of free enterprise, limited government, and strong families.
Connecting a global network of more than 400 free-market organizations in over 80 countries to the ideas and resources needed to advance the cause of liberty.
An education and research organization dedicated to restoring traditional, Judeo-Christian principles to American public policy.
Research and education foundation dedicated to limited government, private enterprise, and individual responsibility. Press releases, publications, current research and initiatives, and related links available.
A conservative think tank in Minnesota, focusing in improving education, strengthening free market economy and reducing poverty and crime.
A public policy institute shaping the Third Way agenda with progressive legislative solutions.
Attempts to bring new voices and new ideas to the fore of America's public discourse and seeks to reshape the American public debate by investing in outstanding individuals and ideas that transcend the conventional political spectrum.
Center a John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University that seeks to improve the practice of leadership and citizenship, through research, education and outreach. The Center aims to strengthen the positive effect of those engaged in improving the quality of public life.
Center for scholarly research on women and politics and political leadership training, part of the School of Public Affairs at American University.
501(c)3 organization publishing Ballotpedia. Based in Madison, Wisconsin and founded in 2006.
Urban Renaissance Institute, a division of Energy Probe Research Foundation, is dedicated to helping cities flourish, both by removing the many impediments to their proper functioning and by improving urban planning.
Los Angeles-based center founded by David Horowitz, formerly the Center for the Study of Popular Culture.
A public policy organization working to improve democracy and to foster greater economic opportunity and less disparity.
Established to prepare young women for effective conservative leadership and to promote school choice opportunities for all K-12 children in America. Information about speakers, anti-feminist resources, and current issues available.
Research organization at Washington University in St. Louis supports scholarly research, public affairs programs, and other activities in the fields of economics, government, and public policy.
Promotes the value of politics and seeks to improve civic education and increase civic participation through research, analysis, and educational programs. Features news, programs, publications and employment opportunities.
A policy organization dedicated to research and education at the nexus of ethics and international affairs. Provides speech transcripts, articles, reviews and other materials on a variety of subjects.
An Arizona State University's institute for policy analysis and expertise. The Institute researches public policy issues, informs policy makers and residents, and advises leaders on choices and actions.
Independent research organization examines economic policy issues and strives to transform ideological arguments into informed debate. Includes publications, scholars and programs.
The mission of the institute is to develop and disseminate new ideas that foster greater economic choice and individual responsibility.
News, videos and information including programs, events and meetings, research and publications, political internships and how to get involved.
Non-profit public education organization that focuses on a wide spectrum of rapidly evolving foreign policy and international issues.
A public educational foundation dedicated to scholarly research and informed debate on U.S. interests in the Middle East.
Non-profit organization that seeks to educate the public about foreign policy. Sponsor of the Great Decisions program.
A research foundation that undertakes timely and critical analyses of major economic, political, and social institutions and issues
Pennsylvania-based conservative think tank devoted to local government issues. Recent papers on key issues, information about events and publications, and related links.
Conducts research on public policy issues affecting the state and the U.S. FAQs, papers on current research areas, and extensive link list.
Organization dedicated to the research and dissemination of retirement policy issues as well as to widening access to related data sources.
A non-profit institution that conducts independent research and analysis to inform the work of public sector decision makers. Profile and research areas.
A Florida-based public policy research organization dedicated to promoting economic freedom, limited government, federalism, traditional values, the rule of law, and individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility.
A research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works. The NBER is committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community.
Promotes a free society informed by religious faith and moral absolutes.
An Utah-based public policy research organization supporting limited government, private property rights, and personal responsibility.
A nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank that seeks to broaden the public debate about strategies to achieve a prosperous and fair economy.
A Christian constitutional litigation firm and policy think tank committed to restoring America's Biblical foundations.
A public policy research and community information organization dedicated to citizen education on public issues.
The institute aims at bringing both faith and reason to bear on all the issues that confront people. It addresses questions of economics, politics, public policy, science, technology, the environment, and public culture, from perspective of both faith and reason.
A public policy institute based in Lewisville, Texas. IPI's focus is on approaches to governing that harness the strengths of individual liberty, limited government, and free markets.
A think tank advancing the libertarian philosophy.
Encourages the formulation of rational and constructive U.S. policies towards Latin America.
A Silverton, Oregon-based research institute advocating policies and practices that improve the economic and social prospects of low- and moderate income Oregonians.
A presidential memorial that fosters scholarship and dialogue in the humanities and the social sciences. The Center pursues work on three interregional, interdisciplinary themes: ethnicity, comparative urban studies, and governance.
Founded at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, to identify, scientifically evaluate, and implement through public policy, promising new technologies and programs that offer practical solutions to problems facing the United States.
A social policy research organization dedicated to learning what works to improve the well-being of low-income people.
A think tank group focused on state and local public policy issues that affect the quality of life of New Hampshire's citizens.
A public policy organization devoted to contributing intellectually to the renewal of marriage and family life and the sources of competence, character, and citizenship.
Oregon based free market think tank.
Offers online education, a bookstore, and links to its seminars and publishes Ideas on Liberty, a magazine on free markets and individual liberty.
A liberal-left public policy organization committed to a just society and the principles of the First Amendment.
A public affairs research organization established in 1916 to provide analysis of state and local government organization and finance in Michigan.
A Dallas-based public policy organization with interests in education, criminal justice and tax reform.
Projects, recent writings, event and publication information, and news releases from the Californian think tank.
Publications on the institute's research in free-enterprise, as well as internships.
Central Massachusetts based pro-liberty political education organization.
Carries out research and education on a variety of issues including consumer, family and home economics, education, peace, citizenship and human rights.
Seeks ways to protect the environment without regulation, bureaucracy, or central control.
An Ohio based policy institute supporting the voluntary, therefore peaceful, development of a free, beneficent, and prosperous civil society.
Seeks to clarify and reinforce the bond between the Judeo-Christian moral tradition and the public debate over domestic and foreign policy issues. Its program includes research, writing, publication, and conferences. Located in Washington, DC.
A policy center offering programs on community development and family empowerment.
An educational institution dedicated to the research and propagation of solutions to Maryland state and local public-policy concerns based upon the principles of free markets and personal responsibility.
The mission of the institute is to design and develop frameworks, processes, and tools that help individuals and groups build productive interfaces between diverse cultures and to strengthen the cultural formation, quality of life, and social health within the community.
Free-market think tank investigating private and community-based solutions to issues in Colorado and the United States. News, event information, policy center profiles, publications, and searchable archive of papers.
Combats poverty, war, corporate globalization, and ecological destruction through research and activist education.
A policy institute associated with the U.S. Democratic Party, working to strengthen and expand democracy worldwide.
Promotes the concerns of the Arab American community in the U.S. society and abroad.
A conservative research and educational organization advocating public policy founded upon the principles of limited government, economic freedom, and individual responsibility.
BHI is a free-market think tank based in Suffolk University Boston, MA. It studies the public policy areas of state tax policy, privatization, welfare reform, compassion tax credits, regulatory reform and other areas from a market perspective.
U.S. domestic and foreign policy institute. Includes profiles of scholars, event information, published research and policy center information, and current headlines.
A conservative Pennsylvanian think tank conducting polling, focusing groups, and educating lawmakers, policy makers, media, and the public on key issues and the views of Pennsylvania's citizens on those issues.
Seeking to improve the lives of all Ohioans by promoting free market ideas and limited government.
A free-market public policy organization based in Pennsylvania which promotes the principles of limited government, economic freedom, and individual responsibility.
Seeks to become the premier venue for virtual collaboration in addressing emerging national security affairs and policy renewal.
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University is an education, research and outreach organization. The aim of its work is to enable individuals to live free, prosperous, and peaceful lives.
The institute is the public policy research arm of the State University of New York. It is actively involved in public policy research on the role of state and local governments in American federalism and the management and finances of states and localities in major areas of domestic public affairs.
Liberal think tank offers policy proposals, talking points, events, news and columns. Weekly email newsletter Progress Report.
San Francisco-based public policy organization advocating for personal responsibility and individual liberty in national and state issues. Site offers extensive archive of papers and presentations from PRI research centers, as well as event information, publications link, and voter education resources.
CED is an organization of business and education leaders dedicated to public policy research.
Founded in 1995 by Malcolm Wallop, Frontiers seeks to lead the conservative movement against an ever more powerful and intrusive federal government, and to restore and maintain individual rights.
A policy-oriented research and consulting organization. Promotes international cooperation for security and ecologically sustainable development. Programs embrace both global and regional issues, with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region.
A public policy organization dedicated to researching policy issues of critical importance for women. IWPR's policy areas include poverty and welfare, family and work, health care and domestic violence, and employment.
Monitors and analyzes the organizations, leaders, ideas, and activities of the US political Right.
Public policy research organization based in New Jersey.
An academic forum for the study, research and discussion of the principles and practices of American constitutional government and politics at Ashland University. Archive of publications and RealAudio speeches.
A national institution that conducts research on public policy issues of special concern to African Americans.
A US-based public policy organization committed to international education in academic research, professional training and technical assistance.
A public policy think tank promoting choice, competition, and a dynamic market economy as the foundation for human dignity and progress.
A research and educational organization which formulates and promotes conservative public policies in the U.S. state of Maine. Includes text of op-eds and links to other New England policy institutes.
A leadership forum bringing together "live wires" from around the Pacific Rim to exchange information and analysis on major international trends and policy choices. Based in Los Angeles, CA.
The institute provides the supplementary analysis and research necessary to expose the inequities of compulsory unionism.
The institute discovers and promotes ideas in the common sense tradition of representative government, the free market and individual liberty.
A policy organization promoting international peace through American strength.
Provides public policy analysis for private, public and government sectors.
EIC's mission is to lead the entertainment industry in bringing its power and influence to bear on health and social issues.
A policy institute devoted to improving the quality of life for all Michigan citizens by promoting sound solutions to state and local policy questions. Provides reports, commentaries and educational programs.
A policy organization founded by Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter to fight disease, hunger, poverty, conflict, and oppression around the world.
A Boston-based public policy research institute advocating individual freedom and responsibility, limited and accountable government, and expanded application of free-market principles.
A public policy advocacy organization specializing in federal budget issues from a low-income perspective.
A conservative think tank and policy institute covering Congress, insider political information, global warming and the environment, legal reform, Social Security, and campaign reform.
A think tank focusing on public policy, church and state, education, law, and history.
Promotes the study about the countries of Hispanic America and Hispanic Americans living in the United States, as they relate to the values of personal and economic liberty.
CLASP is a policy organization with expertise in both law and policy affecting the poor. It seeks to improve the economic security of low-income families with children and secure access for low-income persons.
A public policy research institution dedicated to analysis and policy impact. It maintains resident experts on all the world's major geographical regions and covers key functional areas, such as international finance, U.S. domestic and economic policy, and U.S. foreign policy and national security issues.
Private foundation established by Lynde and Harry Bradley to support individualism, self-government, and free-market causes. Describes publications, staff and directors, grantee showcase, application process, and the Lion House.
A research organization committed to the principles of individual liberty, dynamic entrepreneurial capitalism, private property, the rule of law, and constitutionally limited government.
America's Future Foundation exists to train the next generation of conservative leaders and winning the hearts and minds of young Americans.
Conservative policy group that believes the free market and private ownership of property is the best method for improving education, employment, goods and services, and protecting the environment.
A research center that seeks to promote democratic debate on important economic and social issues.
A faith-based, social justice center working with people who have few resources for their struggles. Programs, photographs, news and how you can help.
A North Carolina based think tank conducting research based on the principles of individual liberty, a free-market economy, and limited government.
A public policy think tank providing detailed study, analysis, investigation and reporting on the impact on the individual citizen by government and its procedures and departments in Hawaii.
Offers citizen and community groups tools and resources to shape federal budget and policy priorities which promote social and economic justice. Includes databases, charts, opportunities for action and a newsletter.
An institute investigating and analysing U.S. social and economic problems and issues, including the New Federalism, welfare and welfare-to-work, Medicare, and disabilities issues.
A scholarly research and educational organization which sponsors comprehensive studies on political economy.
A policy organization dedicated to bringing information to those who make or influence the foreign policy of the United States and to assisting world leaders, particularly in the former USSR and Asia, with building democracies and market economies.
A Muslim libertarian think tank. Advocates free markets and civil liberties for the world of Islam.
A public policy organization that conducts research on public policy issues in New Jersey.

Last update:
January 25, 2024 at 6:35:05 UTC

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