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Listings in Counties/Lubbock

Buffalo Springs Lake Fishing
Information such as fishing regulations, access points, and geography from the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife.
Capitol Impact: Lubbock County
Political representation, census data, many media sources are all found here.
Handbook of Texas Online: Acuff
History of the town part of the Roosevelt school district in east central Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Barton Community
History of this town in southwestern Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Becton
Short history of this town in northeast Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Broadview
History of this town in northwestern Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Buffalo Springs Lake
History of this community recreation area.
Handbook of Texas Online: Canyon
History of the town once also known as Canyon School or Wheelock and part of the Roosevelt school district in east central Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Carlisle
Short history on the town named for rancher W.A. Carlisle and annexed to Lubbock in 1984.
Handbook of Texas Online: Center
History of this settlement in north central Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: County Line
History of this town northwest of Lubbock and west of Abernathy.
Handbook of Texas Online: Heckville, Texas
Profile of the small town in northeastern Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Hurlwood, Texas
Short history of the town in western Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: IOA Ranch
History of this ranch that once comprised most of the southern half of Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Kitalou
History of this east central Lubbock County town.
Handbook of Texas Online: Liberty
History of the town in north-central Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Marnels
Short history of a perhaps now-extinct town in Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Midway
History of this town in southeast Lubbock County and part of the Roosevelt school district.
Handbook of Texas Online: Monterey
History of the short-lived town also known as South Town or Ray Town which was consolidated with Lubbock to form present-day Lubbock.
Handbook of Texas Online: Posey
Short history of this town in southeastern Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Reese Air Force Base
History of the now-closed Lubbock County base.
Handbook of Texas Online: Reese Village
Brief history of this at one time government-owned community at the eastern edge of the former Reese Air Force Base in western Lubbock County.
Handbook of Texas Online: Slide
History of this community in southern Lubbock County, the second oldest town, formerly known as Block Twenty.
Handbook of Texas Online: Thomas Saltus Lubbock
Short biography of Lubbock County's namesake.
Handbook of Texas Online: Union
History of this south central Lubbock County community, whose school was consolidated with Cooper school.
Handbook of Texas Online: Woodrow
History of this town in the extreme southern part of Lubbock County, containing Cooper school.
Lubbock County RACES
Amateur radio Emergency Communications services.
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