Burkburnett is located in Wichita County in North Central Texas, just north of Wichita Falls and just south of the Texas/Oklahoma border.
The population is approximately 11,000 and the Cty of Burkburnett covers a land area of approximately 10 square miles.
The average annual temperature is 84 degrees, with average maximum and minimums of 96 and 70 degrees, respectively. Annual precipitation averages 26.9" of which 1" is snowfall. Elevation is 994 feet above sea level.
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Local forecast, current conditions, radar, links to national and international weather information.
Community history and information.
Location and community information, quality of life, transportation and real estate, historical data.

Last update:
March 12, 2022 at 13:45:29 UTC

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Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: Cornwall: Minions
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- Recently edited by merlin1