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Calvary United Methodist Church
Contains schedule, calendar, newsletter, upcoming events and links of interest.
Cass County TXGenWeb
Cass County Texas Genealogy and history data.
Listed in: CountiesCass
Central Presbyterian Church
PCUSA. Contact details, photos, information on the weekday preschool.
Church Restoration
Based in Winnsboro, husband and wife ministry travel to establish new churches, encourage existing churches and equip the saints for ministry.
Circle C Cowboy Church
Includes ministries, sermons, map, leadership, and calendar.
Cross Country Cowboy Church
Provides news, calendar, directions, service schedule, and photographs.
Daniels Chapel Congregational Methodist
Provides worship schedule and staff contact information.
Listed in: LocalitiesNNaples
Delta County Texas Genealogy
TXGenWeb site has county history and genealogy.
Listed in: CountiesDelta
Double R Cowboy Church
Includes photographs, service times, location, and ministries.
East Point Baptist Church
Baptist Missionary Association. Includes location, and service and meeting schedule.
Fellowship Bible Chrurch
Beliefs, worship schedule and current scripture study, fellowship and mission activities, and newsletter.
First Baptist Church of Atlanta
Provides church newsletter, calendar of activities, small group highlights, and worship times.
Listed in: LocalitiesAAtlanta
First Christian Church of Paris
Disciples of Christ. Features directions, calendar, service times, and ministries.
First United Methodist Church of Mt.Vernon
Includes newsletter, information about ministries, counseling services, calendar of events, and schedules.
First United Methodist Church of Paris
Offers calendar, missions, ministries, photo gallery, special concerns, choir information and map.
First United Methodist Church of Sulphur Springs
Worship services, Sunday school, weekly schedule, ministries, staff, Bible verses, nursery, evangelism, photos, history, calendar, newsletter, contact and location.
First United Methodist Church of Winnsboro
Word from the pastor, schedule, ministries, staff, and contact information.
Hopkins County Genealogical Society
Genealogical research and library for Hopkins County, Texas.
Listed in: CountiesHopkins
Hopkins County TXGenWeb
County history and genealogy resources.
Listed in: CountiesHopkins
Lake O' the Pines Baptist Church
Service times, missions, ministries, and map.
Listed in: LocalitiesAAvinger
Mims Chapel United Methodist Church
Weekly schedule of worship and fellowship, contact information, and map.
Mount Pleasant First Baptist Church
Southern Baptist. Features church news, mission, staff profiles, broadcast schedule, and calendar of events.
Nash Church of Christ
Worship times and service bulletins, children's programs, contact information, church leadership, and mission, benevolent and fellowship activities.
Northeast Texas Child Advocacy Center
Nonprofit providing a child-sensitive environment for evaluation of child abuse. Learn about services, volunteer and donation opportunities, and staff and board.
The Political Graveyard: Bowie County, Tex.
County information and links.
Listed in: CountiesBowie
The Political Graveyard: Cass County
Lists politicians who lived or died in the county.
Listed in: CountiesCass
The Political Graveyard: Delta County
Lists politicians who lived or died in the county.
Listed in: CountiesDelta
The Political Graveyard: Franklin County
Lists politicians who lived or died in the county.
The Political Graveyard: Hopkins County, Tex.
Demographic and statistical information.
Listed in: CountiesHopkins
The Political Graveyard: Lamar County, Tex.
Information about politicians that lived or died in the county.
The Political Graveyard: Morris County, Tex.
Information about politicians that lived or died in the county.
Listed in: CountiesMorris
The Political Graveyard: Red River County, Tex.
Information about politicians that lived or died in the county.
Listed in: CountiesRed River
The Political Graveyard: Titus County, Tex.
Information about politicians that lived or died in the county.
Ramseur Baptist Church
Provides profiles of church and pastors, missionaries, plan of salvation, and calendar.
St. Andrew United Methodist Church
Includes missions, calendar, news and events, activities, ministries, buildings, prayer, worship and education.
Tennison Memorial United Methodist Church, Mt Pleasant
Pastor's message, directions, sermons, staff, newsletter, calendar, contact.
Tinney Chapel United Methodist Church
Provides history, driving directions, calendar, upcoming events, programs, classes, blog and contact.
TXGenWeb: Red River County
Offers county genealogy and history resources.
Listed in: CountiesRed River
Wesley United Methodist Church
Worship schedule, newsletters, location, directions and contacts.
Williams Memorial United Methodist Church
Offers worship schedule, sermon archives, photo gallery, ministries, visitor info, prayer concerns.
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