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Subtopics 1

Metro Areas 4

Counties 8

Regions 2

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas
Protects civil liberties through litigation, legislation, direct action, and education. Includes mailing lists, events calendar, current legal projects, and position papers.
Austin Street Centre
Christian nonprofit provides emergency shelter and related services to the homeless. History, press, newsletter, events, ways to help, success stories and thrift store information.
Austin Tenants' Council
Serves as a resource for tenant-landlord information and helps address issues of housing discrimination and housing repair. Includes information about evictions, landlords' lien, security deposits, utility shut off, and small claims court.
Brazos Valley Coalition for Life
Prolife organization that seeks to educate, pray and be proactive with the philosophy of being prolife, prochild and prowoman.
Brother Bill's Helping Hand
Provides basic needs and educational help for the poor in West Dallas. Includes pictures and information on the group's history.
Central Texas Crime Prevention Association
Organization of law enforcement officers and officials, crime prevention specialists, concerned business representatives, and citizens dedicated to reducing the opportunity for crime.
Cents Per Mile Now
Describes the Texas auto insurance choice law. Presents arguments on why consumers should ask their insurance companies to actually offer this type of policy. Includes a FAQ and bumper stickers for sale.
Provides food, health, housing and outreach services to the poor. Information on programs, locations, history, events, volunteering and leadership.
Crossroads Community Services
Urban outreach ministry of First United Methodist Church of Dallas that offers food, financial, educational and clothing assistance. Background on the group, press, services, ways to help, and online donations.
Dallas Life Foundation
Christian ministry serving the homeless. History, ways to help, programs, services and events.
East Texas Crisis Center
Assists victims of family violence, sexual assault and other violent crimes. Information for donors and volunteers, services, news and overview.
Family Compass
Works to prevent child abuse and neglect through outreach to at-risk families. Programs, events, and ways to help.
Family Gateway
Provides transitional housing and services to homeless families with children in Dallas County. Programs, news and ways to help.
Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas
Protects the First Amendment and the public's right to know information. Includes a list of programs, freedom of information request forms, a handbook, legal hotline, and membership information.
Hays County Crime Stoppers
Includes a photo gallery, recently solved crimes, and links to other resources in the state of Texas.
Listed in: CountiesHays
Hernandez Memorial Gallery
Esequiel (Zeke) Hernandez, a goatherder/high school student killed by a Marine task force, resulting in increased awareness of US-Mexico border militarization. Includes photographs.
Listed in: LocalitiesRRedford
Hope Alliance
Dedicated to empowering victims of family violence, sexual assault, and other violent crimes through support and advocacy. Includes information about crisis hotline and support groups, calendar of events, job opportunities, and membership and volunteer information.
Interfaith Family Services
Provides transitional housing, training and support services for homeless families. News, auxiliary, programs, history and volunteer information.
Light Rail Now
Provides guidance, strategic insight, technical expertise, and networking in support of light rail. Includes news, calendar, videos, articles, and mailing list.
Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation (MVFR) of Texas
Organization of family members of victims of both homicide and state killings who oppose the death penalty in all cases. Includes victim stories, events, and victim resources.
North Dallas Shared Ministries
Interfaith community providing charitable assistance to people in need. History, member churches, client and patient assistance, service area, and ways to donate and volunteer.
On the Issues - Gun Control: Texas Political Leaders
Summaries and full quotes of the views of current and former Texas politicians.
Say No to GMOs
Focuses on grassroots education, activities, and resources in Texas for consumer choice regarding genetically modified food. Includes news, a list of foods to avoid, an HEB letter campaign, and a list of activities and events.
Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter
Works to preserve the environment, energy, and clean water, and to stop global warming. Includes calendar, mailing list, newsletter, how to get involved, action alerts, library of by-laws and position papers, and links to local chapters.
The Stewpot
Resource center for the homeless and needy. Includes information on receiving and giving aid, programs, and events.
Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) Coalition
Supports clean air and energy in Texas. Includes information about the problems and proposed solutions, forms for contacting officials, calls to action, mailing list, and articles, fact sheets, and reports.
Texas Civil Rights Project
Works to protect civil rights and liberties through education and litigation, especially for low-income people and those who cannot otherwise find an attorney to assist them. Includes docket of current cases, human rights reports, job and intern opportunities, legislative newsletters, and contribution form.
Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
Inclusive organization composed of human rights activists, death row prisoners and their families, crime victims and their families, persons working within the criminal justice system, persons opposed to capital punishment on religious and moral grounds, and other concerned citizens. Includes membership form, facts and figures, current news, and events.
Texas Freedom Network
Watchdog and activist group which advances an agenda of religious freedom and individual liberties primarily to counter efforts of conservative political and religious groups.
Texas Gulf Coast Crime Prevention Association
Includes membership application, goals, contact information, board, and newsletter.
Texas Low Income Housing Information Service (TxLIHIS)
Information about low income housing policy, needs, programs and issues in Texas. Special section on Texas-Mexico border housing conditions and colonia issues.
Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF)
The Foundation's mission is to improve Texas government by generating academically sound research and data on state issues, and by recommending the findings to opinion leaders, policy makers, the media and general public. The work of the Foundation is conducted by academics across Texas and is funded by hundreds of individuals, foundations and corporations.
Texas Right to Life Committee
The statewide organization in Texas dedicated to promoting the right to life.
Texas State Rifle Association
Affiliate of the National Rifle Association. Includes mailing list, action alerts, books and videos, and membership form.
Union Gospel Mission of Dallas
Christian charity ministers to the physical and spiritual needs of the homeless, including housing, meals and job training. History, program description, testimonials, how to donate, calendar, newsletter, pictures, work programs and volunteer opportunities.
Vogel Alcove
Child care center provides developmental, social and health services to children from homeless families. Programs, history, ways to help, and newsletter.
Voices for Children, Inc.: CASA of Brazos County
Non-profit organization that trains and supports volunteers from the community to be court-appointed special advocates for abused and neglected children.
Vote Smart - Texas Gun Issues Issue Summary
Provides information on key votes, public statements, interest group ratings and ballot measures.
Why Is Texas #1 in Executions?
By Ned Walpin. [PBS, Frontline] Explains the legal and cultural reasons for why Texas executes far more people than any other state and does so at a far higher rate than any other state.
Wikipedia - Gun Laws in Texas
Crowd-sourced encyclopedia article about state and local gun laws including open and concealed carry.
The Wilkinson Center
Nonprofit agency uses a holistic approach to combat poverty. History, press, newsletter, programs, ways to help, community partners, and auxiliary.
NPR on the death penalty
Producer Dan Collison takes us through a typical execution day; where many towns-people are unaware of what is happening down the block, where local news organization have been told they should stop reporting on every execution and where even few death penalty protesters bother to show up.
(April 17, 1998)
Shadow Figures: A Portrait of Life on Texas Death Row
By Suzanne Donovan. [Mother Jones] Article about life on Death Row in Texas.
(July 29, 1997)
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