Subcategories 1
Sites 14
Focuses on lawsuit abuse and legal reform, with articles on medical malpractice, mold litigation, and other topics, and information on legislative and citizen action.
Exposes the failures of the drug war and promotes more effective drug policies that increase children's safety while protecting citizen rights and meeting public health needs. Includes mailing list, links to local chapters, and ideas for action.
Non-partisan, non-profit policy research organization. Includes overview of policy areas, publications, and other products.
Works to protect the state's open meetings and open records laws. Includes information about their legal hotline, press releases, calendar of events, and ordering information about their handbook and newsletter.
Organization of voters looking for a change in the way political campaigns are conducted. Also serves as a primary source of information for independently minded voters.
A public policy institute based in Lewisville, Texas. IPI's focus is on approaches to governing that harness the strengths of individual liberty, limited government, and free markets.
Nonpartisan political membership organization encourages informed, active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Includes voter magazines and guides, links to local leagues, articles on the election system, and voting instructions.
Group seeking to restrict tort litigation. Includes links to news stories, legislative updates, and links to related organizations.
Advocating limits in the state's civil justice laws, including restricting punitive damages, and joint and several liability.
Non-partisan, non-profit policy and research organization that tracks the influence of money in politics. Includes action alerts, membership form, reports, and other publications.
Works on advocacy, policy, programmatic, and legislative issues affecting families and communities, especially working against hunger. Includes board meeting schedule, membership information, calendar of events, and information about programs.
Seeking necessary changes in Texas tort laws to restore fairness and stability to the civil justice system. Includes membership information, board members, and publications.
Affiliate of Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum encouraging conservative participation in public policy. Includes alerts, newsletters, and commentary.
Works to preserve the practice of medicine and physicians' control of medical decisions. Includes candidate endorsements, events, articles, and membership form.
Non-partisan, non-profit policy research organization. Includes overview of policy areas, publications, and other products.
Nonpartisan political membership organization encourages informed, active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Includes voter magazines and guides, links to local leagues, articles on the election system, and voting instructions.
Affiliate of Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum encouraging conservative participation in public policy. Includes alerts, newsletters, and commentary.
Organization of voters looking for a change in the way political campaigns are conducted. Also serves as a primary source of information for independently minded voters.
Works on advocacy, policy, programmatic, and legislative issues affecting families and communities, especially working against hunger. Includes board meeting schedule, membership information, calendar of events, and information about programs.
Focuses on lawsuit abuse and legal reform, with articles on medical malpractice, mold litigation, and other topics, and information on legislative and citizen action.
Advocating limits in the state's civil justice laws, including restricting punitive damages, and joint and several liability.
A public policy institute based in Lewisville, Texas. IPI's focus is on approaches to governing that harness the strengths of individual liberty, limited government, and free markets.
Group seeking to restrict tort litigation. Includes links to news stories, legislative updates, and links to related organizations.
Works to preserve the practice of medicine and physicians' control of medical decisions. Includes candidate endorsements, events, articles, and membership form.
Non-partisan, non-profit policy and research organization that tracks the influence of money in politics. Includes action alerts, membership form, reports, and other publications.
Seeking necessary changes in Texas tort laws to restore fairness and stability to the civil justice system. Includes membership information, board members, and publications.
Exposes the failures of the drug war and promotes more effective drug policies that increase children's safety while protecting citizen rights and meeting public health needs. Includes mailing list, links to local chapters, and ideas for action.
Works to protect the state's open meetings and open records laws. Includes information about their legal hotline, press releases, calendar of events, and ordering information about their handbook and newsletter.

Last update:
January 21, 2023 at 21:11:44 UTC

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Arts: Literature: World Literature: Canadian: Authors: Novelists: MacLennan, Hugh
- Recently edited by merlin1
- Recently edited by merlin1