Washington, D.C., currently has 131 neighborhoods defined by the D.C. Office of Planning.
The list of neighborhoods is found at: http://citizenatlas.dc.gov/atlasapps/reportsearch.aspx?category=13&CatTrail=1,13&
More information
More information
Subcategories 77
Related categories 1
Sites 9
Demographic maps and statistical data broken down by neighborhood, ward, ZIP code, ANC district, PSA district, or census tract. Resource Center links to other online information on DC's population. Non-profit partnership of the Urban Institute and the Washington DC Local Initiatives Support Corporation.
Blog featuring community news and events for neighborhoods along the 42 bus route.
Provides general information and maps of all of Washington, DC's neighborhoods. Part of the District of Columbia's official online geographic information system.
Map shows the location of DC neighborhoods. From the Washington Post.
Provides information and facts about the street's repair and reopening.
Article from the online Wikipedia encyclopedia on the informal Embassy Row neighborhood in NW Washington, DC.
Article from the online Wikipedia encyclopedia.
Article from the online Wikipedia encyclopedia on the Sursum Corda Cooperative neighborhood in NW Washington, DC.
Describes street life in stretch of H Street in NE Washington, DC that's known as the Atlas District. Includes restaurant listing.
(September 07, 2006)
Demographic maps and statistical data broken down by neighborhood, ward, ZIP code, ANC district, PSA district, or census tract. Resource Center links to other online information on DC's population. Non-profit partnership of the Urban Institute and the Washington DC Local Initiatives Support Corporation.
Provides general information and maps of all of Washington, DC's neighborhoods. Part of the District of Columbia's official online geographic information system.
Article from the online Wikipedia encyclopedia on the Sursum Corda Cooperative neighborhood in NW Washington, DC.
Article from the online Wikipedia encyclopedia.
Article from the online Wikipedia encyclopedia on the informal Embassy Row neighborhood in NW Washington, DC.
Blog featuring community news and events for neighborhoods along the 42 bus route.
Map shows the location of DC neighborhoods. From the Washington Post.
Provides information and facts about the street's repair and reopening.
Describes street life in stretch of H Street in NE Washington, DC that's known as the Atlas District. Includes restaurant listing.
(September 07, 2006)
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August 31, 2023 at 5:35:02 UTC
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