My Account
This category contains national sites related to Australian government departments and agencies.
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Portal for communications from the Prime Minister's office.
Assists the public by investigating and resolving complaints about Government departments and agencies on issues such as tax, immigration, police, and welfare payments.
Australian government public information datasets, provided for mash-ups and graphics.
A Commonwealth Government portal providing links to programmes and services across the portfolio.
Official website of the Governor-General. Offers history of previous Governor-Generals, programs, speeches, galley and kids page.
A charitable trust which provides information about government and political systems.
Complete copies and links to the country's Constitution, along with related background, history and events, provided by International Constitutional Law.
Maintains the public registers of Aboriginal councils and incorporated Aboriginal associations.
Operated by volunteers and presents information for people interested in representatives in Parliament. Features news, debates and sign up for emails in areas of interest.
Information about the House of Representatives, Senate, Legislation, and Hansard.
Educating schools, teachers and students about the Commonwealth Parliament of Australia.
Provides information on the economic, social and cultural development of the Torres Strait, plus insights into the history, culture, geography of the region.
Portal for communications from the Prime Minister's office.
Assists the public by investigating and resolving complaints about Government departments and agencies on issues such as tax, immigration, police, and welfare payments.
Information about the House of Representatives, Senate, Legislation, and Hansard.
A Commonwealth Government portal providing links to programmes and services across the portfolio.
Operated by volunteers and presents information for people interested in representatives in Parliament. Features news, debates and sign up for emails in areas of interest.
Maintains the public registers of Aboriginal councils and incorporated Aboriginal associations.
Australian government public information datasets, provided for mash-ups and graphics.
Complete copies and links to the country's Constitution, along with related background, history and events, provided by International Constitutional Law.
Official website of the Governor-General. Offers history of previous Governor-Generals, programs, speeches, galley and kids page.
Educating schools, teachers and students about the Commonwealth Parliament of Australia.
A charitable trust which provides information about government and political systems.
Provides information on the economic, social and cultural development of the Torres Strait, plus insights into the history, culture, geography of the region.

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Last update:
January 5, 2024 at 21:45:55 UTC
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